First child molesting, now this.

<img src=“”> Yeah, I read about that in the newspaper. Da pain.

And I’ve only heard about this now, why? :frowning:

I don’t know what makes my laugh uncontrollably longer: The concept of torture with the Barney song, or thinking of Merlin as the British Merlin the Magical Puppy!:o

Oh god no.

Odd that no has gone off on the idea that yes, we, the United States, freedom, liberty, and baked goods, are actually torturing people.

I’m pretty sure that violates the Geneva Conventions somewhere.

A classmate of mine showed me the article and I thought-I hoped- that it was a joke. The fact that this could actually be considered torture and therefore is even in voilation of the Geneva Conventions makes this even more comical. sigh I can’t even laugh, it’s so pathetic.

Originally posted by StarStorm
I’m pretty sure that violates the Geneva Conventions somewhere.

I don’t think they put Barney into that. They REALLY need to update that stuff.

If it was torture, why would 2 year olds love it so much?

Two year olds are stupid by unknowing, they haven’t learned of the horrors yet.

I think this falls somewhere intothe category of “Cruel and unusual punishment.” :hyperven:

Ahhhh…barney…song…me…scared!!! LOL THAT SONG WILL BREAK ANY1 IF IT IS PLAYED TO U EVERYDAY FOR 40 MINS!!..ahhhhh…:noway: :noway: THATS SICK!!

That . . . is torture. Pure torture.:hyperven:
Hopefully, no one will show the Tellitubbies.:runaway:

I can see how that would just be plain nasty… Im immune to that stuff for about 15 hours or so… after that I have no idea…

Sound kinda like humiliation and deprivation of human rights to me.

breaking techniques…
what will they think of next.

Originally posted by coolchic
Ahhhh…barney…song…me…scared!!! LOL THAT SONG WILL BREAK ANY1 IF IT IS PLAYED TO U EVERYDAY FOR 40 MINS!!..ahhhhh…:noway: :noway: THATS SICK!!

I take it you have never babysitted, then. Believe me, I don’t even notice that song anymore.

Yeah, eventually the Barney song will fade out, depending on the age and gender to eventually be replaced with “DRAGON DRAGON BALL…DRAGON BALL ZEEEEEEEE!”

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
I take it you have never babysitted, then. Believe me, I don’t even notice that song anymore.

Lucky you! At least you’ll live to tell how humanity destroyed itself with that demonic song… :slight_smile:

This is only the first step…soon, they’ll be using the demonic tones of N’Sync, Hanson, and…dare I say it? …SPICE GIRLS! :eek: faints

Spice Girls?! Eeew!:eek: grips stomach Argh!