Fire Emblem

Originally posted by X_countryguy
Well to us ignorant Americans, FE7 is just plain old Fire Emblem.

juuust like FFIV is FFII, right? :wink:

(…Our FF4 is FFX. Blah…)

What in the shit?? It’s wrong?

Ok, Thracia is the one with the son of Cuan an Elthosan and Finn. FE4 is the one with Sigurd and Co.

What console and when did FE6 come out??? I want it!!!

So now it is my guesstimate that the one I considered “not looking too much into” was the one with FE1 and the sequel which would be FE3… opens foot inserts mouth

FE6 was the first FE game released for the GBA, the new FE game that came to us is the second GBA FE game.

So FE6 was a Jap GBA…

Grah. Now I have to get my computer up and working AGAIN, AND with internet connection just to try and find the damn ROM for it…bloody grah…

<img src=“”> coughgetinthechatyabumcough
