Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

This game is gonna be so fucking sweet. There is no main lord this time. Ike is a Ranger, and promotes to a lord, but not officially the main lord. There are skills, shapeshifters, no more dark magic or summoners. I read the NP review and character profiles of it, and I cannot wait.

Release date?

Fire Emblem

Anyone have this yet?

I am buying a nintendo just for this game.

Don’t buy a GameCube just for this, buy it for Super Smash Brothers Melee. My friend and I easily clocked over 200 hours playing it.

Shakes uncontrollably

I hold in my hands, the first copy of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance from my local EB!

I can’t wait to get home and start playing. I am dying sitting here at work staring at it.

I’ll have to wait till Christmas…

I’m poor :frowning:

I saw that today and was quite excited, until reality hit and I realized I didn’t have a GameCube.