Final Fantasy VII Banned in Texas

sigh What next?

Note to self: Do not post while lacking sleep. Chance of not seeing trough farces augments drastically.

Too bad this is completely fake.
Edit: The least they could do is hide it in a better domain name or something like this:
<a href=“”></a>

In other news CNN changed their domain name to ‘

I’m guessing this didnt’ happen…bush SUCKS!

wut omg r u kidding me

jjack thompson i hATE yOU!!!

That made me fall out of my chair with merriment. XD



Some guy in my school said Final Fantasy VII was banned for some reason, so I guess the rumor has been accepted by some.

It’s kind of obvious it’s fake if you live in Texas and watch the news. The truth is, while there have been explosions in plants over here, it’s been because of mistakes on other folk’s part, and I don’t even think one of them was in Fort Worth though I may be mistaken.

It was still fun to read.

I’m definately signing up to get alerts on Frootloops. Follow your nose~

Parenting groups are also up in arms against the game. “These ‘role playing games’ are teaching our children to use magic and summon demons, they’re destroying our childrens future and making them worship satan. We can’t allow this to continue.” Various forms of Magic have been a staple of every game in the Final Fantasy series dating back to Final Fantasy released in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. “It’s almost as bad as Harry Potter!” A parent who wishes to remain anonymous said.


Well i dont’ think it would matter most already have the game and they arn’t getting my copy :P.

Parenting groups are also up in arms against the game. “These ‘role playing games’ are teaching our children to use magic and summon demons, they’re destroying our childrens future and making them worship satan. We can’t allow this to continue.” Various forms of Magic have been a staple of every game in the Final Fantasy series dating back to Final Fantasy released in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. “It’s almost as bad as Harry Potter!” A parent who wishes to remain anonymous said

Well i for one loved harry potter…i wanna cast magic missile! ^-^

Parenting groups are also up in arms against the game. “These ‘role playing games’ are teaching our children to use magic and summon demons, they’re destroying our childrens future and making them worship satan. We can’t allow this to continue.” Various forms of Magic have been a staple of every game in the Final Fantasy series dating back to Final Fantasy released in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. “It’s almost as bad as Harry Potter!” A parent who wishes to remain anonymous said

Corect me if i’m wronge but couldn’t the same be said for The Smurfs, Super Mario World, and Eurica’s Castle? They all used magic so therefore there all Satanist recruiters?

:moogle: Yes childrens telivision is out for your children’s souls.

How did the parent even know what Tifa’s name was?

No, TBN is out for your soul.

The father of some kid was playing XD

It could have been a perfect April fool’s joke. Almost as good as this one:

Hironobu Sakuguchi buys out Square-Enix, becomes new CEO

Quickly rehiring his gathered allies from Mist Walker, Hironobu has released a press release explaining his motives and goals for the company:
“Square Enix has gotten too far away from its original purpose. Far from being the vortex of creativity that it gained fame and prestige for, it has become a mechanical being. I could not stand by and allow this to happen. We are going to change the company back onto the correct track.”

“Mario doesn’t blow up power plants” Bush said on thursday. Mario was unavailible for comment.

I knew that this was fake the second I read this. Great find though.

I believed it until I saw the URL domain name, but it’s still hilarious. It’s even funnier than that Passion of the Christ PC game spoof from a while back. :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw the thread title, and I said, I do not believe you, jackass. The girl sitting next to me got really mad.

Although, selling condoms in bathrooms is banned in Texas. Learned that the hard way. Pun intended.