Final Fantasy III, Japanese release only?

:hyperven:Does anyone have any information on what is to come of Final Fantasy III, the Japanese release only. I would love to find out if I could purchase it for any system or PC translated. I almost will pay any money for it.

Any information is well appreciated. I’ve tried Google Japanese translated game sites. I am having no luck at all. :fungah:

I only want to do this legaly!!! NO EMULATERS! I just want the actual system it came on and the actual translated game for that system.

If you want to do it legally…you could try E-Bay

There is no actual translation of FF III for the NES. Either wait upon the slim chance they’ll translate it, find the original Japanese cart (good luck, and you have to learn Japanese), or emulate it. Those are your choices.

Wait a second, which game do you want, the NES one or the SNES one (which is actually FFVI)? I’ve got a patch to translate a rom for the NES one if you’d like that, but if you’re looking for a cartridge translated, you’re out of luck. Unless you’re looking for the SNES one, in which case I’m no help at all.

Final Fantasy III was the only “numerical” Final Fantasy game to only be released on one system, the Famicom (Japanese NES). It wasn’t released on any other system, and it wasn’t ever officially translated into English. So you have the following choices to play it:

  1. Download the ROM and use an emulator. Doing this will allow you to apply a patch that makes the game English. Hooray!

But, since you don’t seem to want to use an Emulator…

  1. Look for the game on Ebay. Buy the Famicom cartridge. Note that you’ll need either a Famicom, or a NES with a converter that allows you to play Famicom games. If you do this, you’ll have to play the game in Japanese.

  2. Or you could try method two, but get a Famicom copier (the nifty machines that dump ROMs). With a copier, you <i>should</i> be able to use the aforementioned English patch with an actual cartridge. Be prepared to pay some pretty big bucks for this method, though.

Okay, I think I will try to get it through Hiryuu’s choice #3. Because I enjoy having the original software as a collector’s item and also make it available to play.

Thankx all of you for all your help. I’m going to buy the original Famicom version.

If you’re going to get a copier, be sure to research first. I’m not sure which, if any, copiers will allow you to have patch support on cartridges. Also note that you’re going to need to get a Famicom. Finding a copier for the NES is nigh impossible.

I strongly suggest you post your situation <a href=“” target=“blank”>at this forum</a>. The people here know a lot about copiers, and can help a lot.