Fill in the blank: Jack Thompson is a ______

One can be a pacifist and practice martial arts. I believe in self defense, I just don’t believe in attacking someone. If there were places in the area that wouldn’t charge me an arm and a leg, I’d love to join a martial arts class.

In that case I’m identical to you in opinion on the matter of violence.

As am I.

Think the Clash is nodding to the film, Taxi Driver actually. exit, stage left with my nitpicking

I didn’t mean that martial artists (sic) are >insert negative comment<. If you can’t control it you are a pretty crappy student, that’s all.

Some people always try to make themselves look good by finding something to demonize. It was comics a few decades ago, and now this. Do you think anyone would give those turds any attention if it wasn’t for their bashing? All I can say is that anyone who believes that imbecile is an idiot who just wants to find a quick scapegoat instead of facing the real issues behind violence. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad if people raised their kids properly and stopped ditching their responsibilities and stuffing them with drugs every time their behavior goes outside the norm.

Yep, as the next line, ‘Where is Travis’ asks where main protagonist Travis Bickle is in this situation.

Rigamarole: That is utterly true.

Everything Jack Thompson says can be summed up with a single line:

The Columbine (I believe this was what he mentioned. I apologize if this is the wrong one, it’s been a while since I saw the show.) shooters trained on Quake.

I think we can all judge him now.

This will boil away, and then I suppose it will be sports that will be villainized, though I think stores should definately not be allowed to sell rated M games to kids directly. Sure mom and dad will give in to the whining, but if stores can prove that they are not selling directly, then we’ll have the game half won.

This is a fantastic idea we’ll just create a law that establishes a federal office to oversee every single parent in the country and make sure that those parents are involved in their children’s lives and then that agency can educate those parents who are not involved and then we can call it the war on bad parents and it’ll go just like the war on crime poverty drugs and terrorism

And we can get the money for it from ??? (fill this in later)

That’ll be great it’ll be just as effective as that war on drugs, remember how you can’t buy drugs anymore after we poured trillions of dollars into a federal program??? Man i wish that war on drugs hadn’t been so fucking effective cause i could sure use some weed to get my mind off these screaming children i’m supposed to be watching right now!!!

Clearly to address the problem of children shooting things in a virtual world we must first address the FAR SIMPLER problem of bad parenting and our culture of hate.

I agree, the program was just off the top of myy head anyway.