
Me too. I’d also like to see walkthrough sections added for the 3 Lithograph dungeons, but that’s another story.

Find Macc and make sure he’s not dead. I’ve sent all the information to him, it’s just a matter of him updating the shrine.

Do you still have the list in .txt format or something? It may be forever buried in Macc’s inbox or something by now, never to be seen again.

I still have the list. It’s actually a collection of 176 .jpg files. I’m not going to bother sending a new copy unless it looks like he’s active though; no point in flooding his inbox with that much stuff when he isn’t checking it.

176 jpg files?

Why did you do it that way?

If somebody sent me an attachment with 176 jpg files to my email address, I would assume it was spam or a virus and just delete it without checking it.

Well, I compressed them into zip files when I sent them originally.

Yeah, but nothing’s more suspicious than getting a mysterious .zip file emailed to you…

I think you should send the zip file to somebody else on the staff so they can upload it to the server somewhere so the information doesn’t get lost while we’re waiting on Macc.

Macc may have never received the file, and your computer may explode tomorrow, and we’d lose all that information. Wouldn’t that be tragic?