FFT Storyline Question : Your Opinion? *SPOILERS*

Not all of them advanced the plot, some were just unimportant patsies who were only added so they could have more bosses.

Out of the ones that were mentioned,General Leo and Aeris were not bosses. Jenova Death (or whichever one it was) had to come anyways.

And yeah, Dalton’s right. Lots of characters were needed for Tactic’s especially. I guess you just have to concentrate on who is who. And I always used the sub menu to find out who was who if I didn’t get the cirsumstance (which was often).

Yeah, there should be tons of people in a kingdom, but do they need to include information on all of them?

Well, they need to give depth to the storyline so, yeah. Some need to be explained more than others…and basically you have to make your own assumptions with FFT, right? I found myself quite shocked with everyone who betrayed me, it’s a bit difficult to determine who is on your side and who isn’t, so sometimes that info is necessary.

Yeah, for some of the people, but others don’t really have much of a part. The game would be the same if you got rid of, say either Celia or Lede. They didn’t have any lines and the game would have been fine without one of them.

The assassins? Well no, but since they weren;t featured prominently I don’t see why you would be confused about their roles.They were demon protectors, no more, no less. People like that really don’t make a difference. And they got used more than once, and their minor roles made sence in Tactics, because that’s the all you do in the game is fight bosses.

Firstly, I was not confused by anything in Tactics. Secondly, that is exactly my point. They’re only purpose is so you can fight them.