If you are item searching first, keep in mind that the items are set in their places, rather than placed randomly. The treasures never move. Do keep your Brave low though… or you’ll pick up Phoenix Downs instead of the good stuff. Also, only Ramza can find the hidden doors that lead further down.
Now, for a neat little trick that should help you find the exit and your treasures earlier.
1.) Equip Beowulf with Excalibur for Auto-Haste, and make sure he has all of his abilities. Make Ramza a Squire and make sure he has Move-Find Item and can use Yell.
2.) Go to the floor you desire.
3.) Kill all but ONE enemy. Have Beowulf use Chicken on it until it becomes a chicken, then have him put it to sleep. This will keep the enemy out of commission for a fair bit of time. If it wakes up, sleep it again.
4.) Have Beowulf use Chicken on Ramza until he becomes a chicken. Wait a few turns so that Ramza comes back with 10 Brave (the minimum amount before being chickened). Now, have Ramza use Yell on himself every turn, moving a space every turn. Cover the spaces in an easy-to-remember pattern so that you don’t step on the same ones twice.
5.) Skip everyone else’s turn, aside from Beowulf, who should continue to Sleep or Chicken the enemy. Ramza will keep moving and Yelling, and will eventually be able to get 4 turns in a row. This speeds up your search dramatically.
Though it may seem silly for Ramza to run around in a dark cave yelling at himself, it works very well.
And as one last point of interest, you can find some of the best weapons in the game on the ninth floor of Deep Dungeon… but there’s a catch. Namely, you’ll have to “catch” them as the ninja enemies toss them at you!