Well think about it, it has supposedly been two years since the end of the game. Don’t you think Sepiroth would have got a haircut some point during that time!
The person in those screenshots is not necessarily Sephiroth.
Originally posted by Cidolfas
The person in those screenshots is not necessarily Sephiroth.
I’m willing to bet my Family Guy DVDs that that guy ISN’T Sephiroth.
Plus he’s using a different sword. Not the masamune. A… Kotachi. I think they called it that on GameFAQs.
After Sephiroth, what can possibly be threatening enough to make a movie ? Maybe it is Sephiroth, but like, the REAL Sephiroth, or something. Dontcha just love speculation ?
Actually I just HATE it. Especially when it is speculating stuf that is know for fact.
Anyway, before making any real conclusions on who that is (or not is, as the case maybe). We should wait til it is closer to the release date and they have told us more about it.
Ehh, I like to speculate about things like this, it’s not like all will be revealed in time or anything. I was a rumor whore for FF8…
i really didn’t know til like last month that it was gonna be made into a movie i thought they were just gonna make a vidoe game sequel…hmmm wonder if it will be better than the orginal story? i’m sure it will be good…hopefully better than Final Fantasy:Spirits within…it was an ok movie…but it was too sci fi for FF at least thats what i think. any idea of when it comes out?
What the…? Did someone jus’ said that FFVII:Advent Children is not a movie but rather, a game?? As I recall, that tokyo game show clip shows the sentence “This is not for play” or somethin’ to that effect at the beginnin’ of the clip. I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed to be a movie. You can speculate all you want about the storyline, but please not speculate whether the sequal is a movie or a game.
She said she THOUGHT it was going to be a game, but now knows it isnt and is happy… right Squalls Girl ?
Oh sorry I didn’t read squalls_girl_48’s post, which means that I wasn’t talkin’ about her.
Originally posted by Born_Loser
I seen the pics at rpgamer.com, it looks really cool, but it seems they only took pictures of Cloud and Sephiroth. Cloud looks pretty cool, but Sephiroth looks weird, he had shorter hair for one. It’ll be cool, like, WAY cool. It makes me wanna play the game…
hey it’s cool. i understand your confusion i do that to people alot lol.
You can download the trailer if you have kazaa, or kazaa lite. Its very cool clip.
Wow, this is all news to me. Maybe I should check this particular forum more than twice a year.