FAQ suggestions


I am planning on posting a stickied thread here to answer common questions asked by users as a sort of FAQ. But first, I was wondering what kind of suggestions you guys might have of questions new posters may come up with, or just questions you’ve seen occur on the boards quite often. Think back to your earlier days on the boards, too.


Custom Avatar, Custom Title

Why aren’t my posts going up as much as they should be

How do I make a poll.

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
[b]Why aren’t my posts going up as much as they should be

How do I make a poll. [/b]
Forgot your question marks, Val.

Nah, I did it like that for some odd reason.

I agree with the custom avatar thing. Maybe also some rules, if people are too lazy to click the top or somthing.

How do I not get banned?

How do I not get threads locked?

And those are (semi-)serious suggestions.

What is considered inapporpriate behavior?

Some people (not me) have issues with that one…