Fantasy movies generally tend to suck,

This is the like the nerdier version of “Blur vs. Oasis”.

I wish we had a good Earthsea movie. That… CRAP Sci-Fi Network put together was horrid.

Also, I know Sin said Krull, but it made me think of Kull the Conqueror. Which, by the way, was the last movie rented by Eric Rudolph before he went into hiding.

You want a crappy movie based off a book?

Battlefield Earth. God, that thing sucked hardcore, it wasn’t even funny.

Of course, that’s Science Fiction, not Fantasy…

Discworld. Just watch any Discworld movie. Now that’s turning gold into crap. Specially “The Hogfather”. Soul Music, though, is passable because of the soundtrack.

The Hogfather was a damn good adaptation.

You have bad, bad taste.

Dude, just compare Albert from Soul Music with Albert from The Hogfather. Hog’s Albert doesn’t have a quarter of the dirtiness and oiliness of SM’s one. And he was voiced by the guy who did the Dean in SM! That’s fucked up! Not to mention that Death’s face was horrible.

The only thing I diliked about death’s face was that it didn’t move.

As for Albert, that’s about as dirty as I imagined him. I mean, yes he’s dirty, but he’s not a pig. :stuck_out_tongue:

And what’s your point about him being voiced by David Jason? OMG THEY CHANGED THE ACTORS BECAUSE IT WAS A DIFFERENT ADAPTATION!

And seriously, if your complaints are just Albert, who had a relatively minor part, and death’s face, which, so far as I can tell had only one flaw at most, then calling it crap is pretty damn small of you.

No, it’s just that the Dean’s voice doesn’t fit to Albert. They used Runes, Bursar, and I.S. voices for the auditors, and those fit well. As for his looks, pick a copy of Mort and read it. Then look at Albert’s rendering in the back of the cover. I’ve read Soul Music and Mort and Albert does not dress nor speak like he did in the Hogfather adaptation. It’s completely someone else.

As for Death’s face, it does move, but they eyes are pretty poorly done in Hogfather. And Death moves like he has some serious backbone problems in it too. For a much better rendering of Death, you should see this. He looks, well, “healthier” here.

All these points bug me just a little, but the ones mentioned and a lot others together bug me a lot. If you watch Soul Music, it’s still way far from perfection, but it’s pretty superior to Hogfather. There are lots os things I don’t like about SM, though, like Stibbon’s rendering. Now that is the worst of all.

That’s a cartoon.

You’re comparing how death moves in a cartoon to how he moves in a live action? As for his stiffness, well, he’s a skeleton, and to be honest, that’s how I imagined he would move, pretty much. And I actually meant to say his mouth, not his face, my mistake. And I like the eyes, they seem to me exactly what Death’s eyes would be.

And while Albert maybe wasn’t so rough in his language in that, it was a family adaptation. There would be a certain softening of it.

And I’ve read the first 26 discworld novels, so don’t try telling me about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I thought Albert was fine as he was, but whatever.

I stand by my statement that you have bad taste. Either that, or you’re expecting too much.