Exploring the Northern Traditions


Sorry for the highlights. Anyway this book is a the perfect steping stone for one wanting to convert to Heathenism- a term for those wanting to convert to the pre-christian ways of Northern Europe. I have begun and quite frankly it scares me a little. Not because I do not want this, not because I think it will not work (the praying and meditations). Mainly becuse I do feel something from this. I’m a born again pagen and even if you just like the stories of the Norse Gods it’s still worth reading.

I always said that the Norse myths had some of the coolest stories and gods ever.

I do this too, but then it’s called listening to Wagner.

Hey comrade! How you doing?
Can you reconcile your political stance with Heathenry? I always thought that Marxisme/Leninisme/Maoisme/Titoisme etc don’t mix that well with religious beliefs.

I’m a Marxist Leninist Minhist Heathenist now. :stuck_out_tongue: Keep in mind though Thor was the Hero of the Common man.

Yeah, well, I’m tho thore I could barely thit up in bed! runs

Suddenly, I can see the Soviet flag in a completely different perspective – the hammer symbolizes Thor (proletariats), while the sickle symbolizes Freya, the goddess of fertility (peasants), and the red star represents Odin (the Party), of course. :wink:

I was thinking that but replace the Star above the Hammer and Sickle with the Triple Horns of Odin. The Sickle would be more for Frey than Freya. Freya is a Goddess of sexual pleasure, eroticism, desire, ritual sacrifice, Seior Magic, wealth, prosperity, abundance, ancestral veneration, warcraft, and power. Frey however is a god of sexual union, abundance, prosperity, ancestral might, and harvest.

So, how did you start believing in it?

Well I have always beleaved in more than one god since I was small but the Game Valkyrie Profile was when I first learned about the Norse Gods. Last year I bought books becuse I wanted to relearn about them. However I didn’t really practice it until recentlly.

Ah, Valkyrie Profile was a great game… although the liberties it took with actual mythology makes me cringe. As soon as we found out that Odin is a half-elf?! WTF?! I started to find the game much less interesting.

Well yeah. I mean Freya was of the Vanir line of Gods yetShe was the Marshal of the Aesir Forces more or less in the game.

Originally Posted by Valkyrie Esker
Ah, Valkyrie Profile was a great game… although the liberties it took with actual mythology makes me cringe. As soon as we found out that Odin is a half-elf?! WTF?! I started to find the game much less interesting.

Now you know why I stick to Greek mythology instead.

Yeah that was always good. Hercules and Xena were pretty good shows too btw. On two eps. of Hercules he met a few of the Norse Gods.

Only remember that Hades is hell. And he’s evol.

Evol? That’s pretty bad.

Worse than bad, actually. Beware.

Actually, Hades was one of the better gods, relatively speaking. He always did his job and mostly stayed out of the other gods’ business as long as they stayed out of his. Yeah, he kidnapped his wife, but he was always faithful to her, which is more than could be said for, say, Zeus.

Who killed his father.

I’m not really fond of applying modern morality anachronistically. Btw it’s not as if Zeus killed Cronos without reason. I was kidding, thinking about the disneyfied image of Hades. After all the Elysian Fields (not France) were his turf, too.