Everything I ever needed to know I learned from Harry Potter

Just got done watching the second movie - I must say I thought it was excellent. I even walked away with a bit of magical wisdom…

  1. Ensure that magic wands that have been damaged are properly repaired before using.
  2. Do not venture into giant spider lairs if your party’s nuker is petrified or otherwise incapacitated.
  3. Before going on a long trip in a flying vehicle, make sure the invisibility system is operating properly, and you have a full tank of gas.
  4. Do not eat muffins that have been left out in odd locations. This is doubly true if the muffins are simply floating in the air for no obvious reason.
  5. Do not run full speed into seemingly solid walls. They might actually be solid.
  6. If negotiating financial dealings with shady characters, always keep an eye on the stack of gold coins.

And… as an added bonus, I ever die and become a ghost, I will remember the line, “If you die down there, you’re welcome to share my toilet”.

Seriously though - I loved it. Much better than “Resident Evil”, which I watched last week :stuck_out_tongue:

Just what I needed to hear… Harry Potter. Though “You can share my toilet” was funny.

I saw it a few days ago. I think it’s a lot better than the first one.

The only thing I ever learned from Harry MJ is that if you try using magic to whiten your teeth you may end up burning your house (clicka)

What about, don’t use hair that your not exactly sure who it belons too in a pollyjuice potion…

Damn that was lame…

I’m yet to see it in full, but from what I have seen it seems to be okay: A couple of things I didn’t like, and a couple of things I did like.

Only thing I’ve seen or read related to Harry Potter.

It was cool, but I can’t wait for book 4 to be made into a film.

Hmm…Don’t care much for Harry Potter

Hmm…that’s just me though
< shrugs > oh well

Originally posted by Ren
The only thing I ever learned from Harry MJ is that if you try using magic to whiten your teeth you may end up burning your house (clicka)

I smell lawsuit from that one…

As for Harry Potter… never touched one of his books… havent seen one of the movies… Don’t plan on seeing or reading it anytime soon… but then again… who knows?

Same here.

Originally posted by Cold)Hell69
I smell lawsuit from that one…

Funny. I smell mental institution.