I haven’t seen any threads on this upcoming movie, so I decided to make one. If there WAS one and I missed it, sorry!
No links, as the all websites I checked had too many spoilers. (Doesn’t bother ME, but then again I’m weird. :mwahaha: ) Anybody who finds a website with no spoilers, please post it.
For those who don’t know, this is a new movie starring Jim Carrey, but it’s NOT a comedy, in fact I’d say it’s a romantic tragedy (with Sci-Fi elements). It’s about a guy who breaks up with his girlfriend, then finds out that she has had ALL of her memories about him removed (using a new brain-altering process)! So, he decides to forget her too. Except, he changes his mind in the middle of the operation! Unable to wake up to protest, he finds himself fighting a psychic battle to keep his memories of her…
My opinion: Unusual story, that’s good, we need more originality in movies. However: Jim Carrey in a drama? Baaad omen. I mean, yes, I KNOW he can act, but really, it’s a waste of his comic talents. And, while I do NOT know how the movie ends, something tells me this one is NOT going to have the typical hollywood happy ending. Sounds more like a social experiment than a crowd-pleaser. Don’t think I’ll see it, at least on the theaters.
But you know, what REALLY freaks me out is the possibility that mind-erasing processes like this COULD be invented someday. Imagine the potential for abuse, and not just by the government! You might think, “people would NEVER voluntarily undergo such a process!” but I’m convinced they would. We humans are control freaks, we want to change EVERYTHING to fit our tastes, and that includes our own selves. But when you start messing with memories, you start messing with the very fabric of our existences (which is probably the movie’s point.)