Essay Ideas.

For example about the sex paragraph (why am I only talking about this paragraph?), you could discuss how sex influences behavior and thus has massive consequences on the social level. And with the development of stem cells you wouldn’t really need gametes, you’d just clone yourself. If you wanted, you could find a way to recombine the DNA in vitro, but that might be a little complicated. It’d be funny though if you think about it since most people are trying to clone and not the other way around. Anyway, I digress. A lot of social ills arise from sex: prostitution, rape, inappropriate forms of behavior, certain drives people have that might distract them from what matters more (like say, their wives). You also wouldn’t have people like Anna Nicole going for old men with lotsa money.

As for the body parts thing and protection, talk about how fragile the human body is, how difficult it is to replace parts, how prone to aging our organs, bones, etc… are. Stuff like that. You need to explain why it matters in each of your paragraphs. That’s what’s persuasive. If you wanna mention movies, then you need to explain why you’re mentionning those movies. It might seem “duh” as you’re writing it, but remember, if its a persuasive essay, then you’re technically convincing someone who isn’t “duh” to it.

And Cless makes a good point.

I do realize you aren’t supposed to use “you”. But I’m supposed to be convincing HER. So I kind of directed it towards her using “you”.

You can be used to persuade, but its also doable to use the 3rd person and it just sounds better. At worse, just switch the verbs around at the end and see. I’ve written 3rd person persuasive papers.

Thanks a bunch =) I’m revising it the best I can, but I have to sleep soon. I don’t think she’s expecting that much anyways, since she’s giving us one day to do it =/

Bah, like you kids don’t do it the day before anyway :stuck_out_tongue:


Shit man, last time I had to write a persuasive essay, I had to work on writing it weeks in advance. But that was because the teacher wanted outside research and shit. And the whole write the persuasions from two different sides, but then draw a conclusion.

My last persuasive essay was on why pot should be legalized. I was the kid in my class at my school that did so. I think at least one kid every year in every school does an essay of this nature. I should have done one on the Necronomicron.

Dont argue semantics with ME, young man!

Well my school teaches evolution. Are they not supposed to? If not than it is very bizarre. I can see the point where you should keep both out of the classroom and let people make up their own minds. Hmm, and all this time I thought they taught it at every public school. Oh well, you learn something new every day.