Eat the hippo!

Originally posted by Jing
Why are so many people obeying and eating the hippo? And how big is it, anyway? If it’s only one hippo, then how can everyone be eating it? No one’s saying they’re just eating part of the hippo…

It’s a magical hippopotamus, it has already been consumed in its entirety several times over, but regenerates for the others to have some. And we’re doing it because Charl said we would be cool if we did.


I don’t want the rest of my hippo, does anyone else want it? trys to find someone to take/buy a half-eaten hippo

brings out the bazooka and blows up Mr. Saturn
Like this?

I will not eat the hippo! I will lick a frog instead!




Meh, whatever. eats the hippo

Uh, WILDMAN, you forgot to add fhqwhgads and me to the list.

You didnt actually eat any hippos!

And, C’MON PEOPLE! The last thread got like 55 pages to it!

I don’t even know whats going on here half the time anymore.

Eats another hippo then

Originally posted by BlueMageOne
I don’t even know whats going on here half the time anymore.

Does anyone?

Originally posted by demigod
Does anyone?

Who cares? eats a third hippo
Hah! You better catch up!

eats infinity + 2 hippos
That better Charly?

:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: Hippos Are Awesome. You Should Eat Them Too. :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

-Mazrim Taim

I am uncool and proud.

Today, I declare myself… A Nerd.

raises fist in the traditional <strike>Black Power</strike> Nerd Power Salute

You’re not a nerd, you’re a baby.
Which makes me afraid. Only dogs scare me more than babies and children.

Originally posted by Nulani
You’re not a nerd, you’re a baby.
Which makes me afraid. Only dogs scare me more than babies and children.

so baby dogs… i.e. puppies… are, by that logic, especially disconcerting to you.

eats hippo

Originally posted by KaiserVonAlmasy
so baby dogs… i.e. puppies… are, by that logic, especially disconcerting to you.

Yes, only moreso when they haven’t learned the difference between outside and inside. Cats use toilets.
At least they’re small enough to be stepped on.

Stepping on cats is fun >.>;;

forms the Hippo Liberation Federation

airlifts Hippo away


All your hippo are belong to us (excuse the overused dialogue).