What is the easiest way to lv materia on FFVII?
Grab Cloud and Cid together, MAybe Tifa, and give the Boys a (Whoops) Apocalypse (Which ironically has the same context as Ragnarok) and a Scimitar. these weapons have TRIPLE growth on them, and for Tifa… Try a Platinum fist which has double growth. you might want to try Platinum/Rune (?) Bangles which also have double growth rates.
High AP enemies are mostly found in the northern Crater; Specifically: Magic Pots. you can get elixirs for them easily; Just fight/steal from all other enemies in the crater.
And Movers, those Orange blobs that jump around. Worth lots of AP too.
and the most important ingredient: Patience.
Um, its the apcalopyse that is cloud’s triple growth weapon.
and i just wanted to know enemies that give lots of AP.
i know what weapons to use
Magic Pots in the Crater on the Left path(I dont remember up or down). Scimitar is Cid’s 3x growth weapon.
They live in the upper path on the left. Movers also live in that area. They don’t give as much AP as Magic Pots, but they still give a big chunk. So just fight around there for a while, and you should easily master most of your materia.
Movers actually have more AP, don’t they? I think a Mover is 2000 AP, while a Magic Pot is 1000 AP. Magic Pot is also much more common, and must be fed Elixirs before they start to take damage. Finally, while you’re down in that room, steal Elixirs from Master Tonberries.
I completely forgot about the Movers. facepalms
And I use the W-Item trick for Elixirs.
Haveing never heard of movers, i shall have to lookin at them, i know about magic pots though.
thanks for the help all.
They don’t show up often enough… that’s the only real problem. But they appear in groups of 3, so that’s good. Speaking of which, where did you put your Save Point? I put mine in that room, so that I’d have easy access to Tents if my HP and MP ran low.
I normally put it at the end of the crater, on that ledge just before jenova synth.
Movers are found in the same aera as the Magic Pots, and they aren’t THAT rare IMO. I usually run into them more often that I run into the pots.
They’re always a party of three tiny bouncing red balls, you can’t miss 'em. And I think they’re worth 2400AP, where the Magic Pots are worth only 1000AP each.