E-Mail Notification does it's job too well

Does anyone know why my e-mail notification refuses to turn itself off? I checked the dammed ‘no’ option and still my account is overloaded, resulting in, after one day not checking the forum,


I KNOW I checked the ‘no’ tag, so why am I still running out of space?

I refuse to even CONSIDER helping you until you repent of your grammatical error.

I think that there is a bug that keeps sending you mail if it was checked yes even after you check no. Like any new posts won’t mail, but older ones will still mail.

Originally posted by Pierson
[b]Does anyone know why my e-mail notification refuses to turn itself off? I checked the dammed ‘no’ option and still my account is overloaded, resulting in, after one day not checking the forum,


I KNOW I checked the ‘no’ tag, so why am I still running out of space? [/b]

Stupid grammer. This is why I try to avoid long sentences on Sundays. Consider me repenting as I type. As long as Tron Multiplayer counts as repentence.

Originally posted by Frameskip
I think that there is a bug that keeps sending you mail if it was checked yes even after you check no. Like any new posts won’t mail, but older ones will still mail.
It’s not a bug. It’s functioning exactly how it’s supposed to.

What Email Notification by Default does is auto-check the little box in your replies. Whenever someone replies, you get an email. Even after turning it off, you’re still subscribed to all those threads.

Clicka and hit unsubscribe from every one of those threads.

Thanks. I’ll try. I just don’t to miss anything important because my inbox is filled with RPGC mailers.