I think I had to rip my eyeballs out to stop it’s sheer mundanity from overpowering me. Luckily my keyboard and monior are braile-compatible.
Seriously don’t watch this shit. Go watch Tenchi Muyo! OVA series’ 1 and 2 instead.
I think I had to rip my eyeballs out to stop it’s sheer mundanity from overpowering me. Luckily my keyboard and monior are braile-compatible.
Seriously don’t watch this shit. Go watch Tenchi Muyo! OVA series’ 1 and 2 instead.
Listen to the man!
He’s right, El Hazard ain’t that great. Watched some of it myself, but after awhile couldn’t take anymore of it.
I don’t think I’ve watched that…but it rings a bell. I’ll make sure to keep away from it.
What is it about?
Boy, Girl, Evil Boy and Teacher are sent to Magical World. Boy Girl and Teacher meet magical princesses, solve problems. Evil Boy meets evil princess, tries to take over world. Fails.
Check animenfo for a better plot, but it’s seriously awful.
So it’s like many other types of anime then.
Yes, but so, so much worse.
AW! Yes, I HAVE seen this! It WAS crappy!
The OVAs are pretty good
You mean the TV show or the OVA? Because the OVA is fucking AWESOME.