Dropped connections.

Odd issue i’m having, i dunno if you guys can help, but i thought it was worth a shot anyway.

Whenever i’m using fucktons of bandwidth, my internet connection has a habit of…well, dying. I lose connection to the internet, and the area “local area connection” under “network settings” switches to disabled, and i can’t re-enable it. When i try to run ipconfig, i get no response. The system just freezes up, and i have to end the command prompt process.

It only seems to happen when i’m running multiple protocols. I can be getting 300+ kbs down on single torrent, and most times, 100+ kbs down on multiple torrents, just fine. But as soon as i have an FTP running, or someone is getting something from my Fserv, alongside the torrents i have running, the connection gets dropped.

The only way to get the connection back is to shut down my computer, unplug my modem, plug the modem back in, and turn the machine back on. Its annoying as hell.

If you’ve got any ideas as to how to keep the connection from dying, or how to get connected again faster, i’m all ears.


fakeedit: also, this doesn’t happen under any other OSes. also, i’m almost 100% sure my connection isn’t bandwidth-capped.

As you’re talking like its a server, im going to say no on this, but id figure id ask. Most computers now have power management on the network cards, could this be something weird with it?

See, this makes me wonder because I’ve encountered a similar problem. Let’s say I choose to download an anime series like Gundam SEED. It’ll start ok, I’ll get some eps and later on throughout the month as I get more and more torrents, I will get disconnected from my internet randomly throughout my transfers. Its as if my ISP monitored my connection and got pissed after I downloaded a certain amount of material.

Ok, here is what is most likely happening:

The modems that we get nowadays are not terribly well designed with respect to their NAT protocols and quite frankly, thier routing is shit. When you have the system running large amounts of bandwidth through multiple ports and mappings, its quite possible that a race condition can come into effect. This probably causes a hard lock of the modem and sends junk data to your network card in the resulting crash, probably resulting in a crash of your network card as well.

I know a lot of routers have the same problem, since they are SOHO items, they are not designed to deal with the millions of connections you have going. You see it as 2 bittorrents running. It sees it as 800 or so connections AT ONCE. This causes death in SOHO grade items :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes! Thats exactly what i was worried was happening as well, and i even called them to check if i had a bandwidth cap or not.

So shalc, the only real solution i have is to go out and buy a better router? What should i even buy? The only companies i know are “soho”, like linksys, netgear and others.

Don’t get linksys. Ever. It dropped me several times an hour. While not the best (probably), Netgear is better, from my experience at least. I’ve only dropped twice in the past three months.