Don't tell people about music

Yeah, I’m TOTALLY a pirate for telling people copyrighted material exists. :smiley:

That was really well written. It really does sound like the RIAA. I love it.

I love The Onion.

Oh no!
The Onion. XD

Our children will read this at real journals instead of The Onion if things keep going the way they are going today.

Well written stuff.

I like that part about living rooms. ^^

That proberbly will do more damage than Good, if it was real!

The next article is about an “impersonal trainer.” XD

I’ve got a paper subscription to The Onion, a subscription to the RSS feed on Firefox and <A HREF=“”>Google</A>, and own all their books. Phenominal stuff.

Their best article this week, though, has got to be “<A HREF=“”>CIA Realizes It’s Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years</A>.”

Best of all time are:

• <A HREF=“”>Disgruntled Ninja Silently Kills 12 Co-Workers</A>
• <A HREF=“”>God Answers Prayers of Paralyzed Little Boy - <SMALL><I>“No,” Says God</I></SMALL></A>
• Jews Recalled to Egypt for Pyramid Repair Duty (Can’t find a link to this one on their website, but it was in the book <A HREF=“”>Finest News Reporting</A>, and it was in the paper as well.