(Don't) hold me.

I’m not that suprized that something like this goes on in a big city, i mean, its very easy to get lost in the crowd so to speak. It happened to my friend mike in New Jersersy, even though he was in a huge city, he was alone most of the time.

Hey, it beats paying hooker just to talk to you

If My mate wasn’t off on his honeymoon, I might Borrow his Book Of Hugs. Excelent reading!! I’m a faster reader than he is, so I manged to read it in one trip when he takes 2.

Big Nutter
It say that you should have at least a hug every so often.

Well, there’s an… interesting way to make money.

Psh, just give a lonely stranger a hug.

“An introduction to cuddling ensues, first by hugging three people. People then get in a circle on their hands and knees, rub shoulders and moo like cows. After a bit of swaying, everyone falls to their side, which puts them into an easy cuddling position.” Are they wearing their coordinating cow furry outfits? Does the 30 bucks go towards some ecstasy?

“Cuddle parties are intended for people who are emotionally sound. People in therapy or who are seeing a mental health professional are asked to consult their doctor before signing up for a party and to tell organizers of their situation.” Aww looks like i can’t go. Not that i would since can’t tell if some peope didn’t wash their goddamn hands and other such things sometimes.

Yeah. Like me. I’m lonely. I’m strange. And I need a hug.


Speaking of Ecstacy, this week’s Savage Love column has a very entertaining(?) letter regarding drug use and its consequences. I’d link, but you know… adult content and all that…

Cless, I totally agreed with you - a veritable treasure trove of great lines, indeed.

We brazillians are the greatest hug and cuddle adicts in the world. If those people came here they would have 10 times as much for free.

Really, it gets annoying after some time. I am cuddled and hugged many times during the week by my schoolmates and I just don’t think it’s cool anymore after all these years.

“Everyone needs to be cuddled, especially in lonely New York.”

Definately, apparently New York Universities have the highest suicide rate in the States. supposedly due to the lack of a “campus” or social life.