I play the violin, and I can sing fairly well, although that is primarily my own judgement. Having to play left-handed stinks because you typically can’t just borrow somebody else’s and play. On the other hand, it makes me special!:yipee:
Ocarina. Yes, a real ocarina.
At least I used to.
I sing mostly, but I dabble in the guitar.
The guitar man. It rules.
I can play a few songs on the Ocarina, am fairly good at the Keyboard (still have a problem learning from Sheet, though; I learn by sound), and some people tell me I can actually sing fairly well. And then I say they must have been paid to say that.
I’m a percussionist. I’ve been doing drums since fifth grade.
I know a few simple songs on ocarina and I sing very well. I prefer listening to music to making it, however.
i play bass, guitar, piano, drums, and voices.
Trumpet. Woo!
Originally posted by Sir Percival
I know a few simple songs on ocarina and I sing very well. I prefer listening to music to making it, however.
Except for the ocarina part, that fits me pretty well.
I can kinda sorta play a keyboard, and I can read simple sheet music. You have Mario Paint to thank for that. :hahaha;
bass and guitar
I used to play the piano so I can still play a few songs. For the last five yearw I was a perc, but mostly I was mallets. Then, I decided why bother. Some people say I can sing, but I’m not so sure…
I checked every single option:ah-ha!:
I play bass, and i suck at it.
Also, my voice is horrible… i guess i just don’t have any Musical talent
Originally posted by Silhouette
i play bass, guitar, piano, drums, and voices.
hehehe, you play voices.
I roxxor at playing bass. I also play some regualr guitar songs, and i play the saxaphone. ask me on irc and ill send you my skillz
Viola and percussion. :fungah:
shin, you forgot that you also play the skin flute. or was it the meat whistle?
Skin flute