Demon's Crest: An RPG?

I’ve been curious as to whether or not this game actually IS a RPG. Cid says no, while SK says yes. Then again, SK says that Super Metroid (which sucks ass) is a RPG, so we can’t give him an entire boatload of credibility when it comes to it.

The only problem with Super Metroid is the fact that it’s a huge insane maze… Metroid Fusion was much more fun!

<img src=“”> I don’t count it as an RPG…But it rocks anyways…^^

You’re the first person I’ve actually known to say that SMet sucked.

If SMet is an RPG (which I originally tried to argue back in the Jim days but since surrendered) then Demon’s Crest certainly is. It has…ehm…well, it, uhh, has GP, for one thing! Yeah…

Well there is always a way you could find out, if it should be classed as a RPG, or not. Compare it to other confirmed RPGs, if it has similar elements it’s a RPG!

And if that don’t work, look it up on a game sight, it should say what genre it is in!

I’m inclined to say no, since the interaction between people is too low. That’s what makes the Zelda series a borderline case in my opinion. Doesn’t change the fact that Firebrand > all.

Gallo man, you’re asking for a Pixy Stix… I love SMEt.

All joking aside…

But yeah, if SMet was a RPG, Demon’s Crest definately is, but I relly don’t feel it has enough elements in it to be considered to be enough of an RPG.

I don’t think of SMet as an RPG. I DO think Demon’s Crest is a LOT more of one than Super metroid is. Hell, it’s just as much of an RPG as River City Ransom is. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Heaven’s Soldier
Well there is always a way you could find out, if it should be classed as a RPG, or not. Compare it to other confirmed RPGs, if it has similar elements it’s a RPG!

<img src=“”> Following that logic, Doom is an RPG. And so is Pacman. And Tony Hawk pro Skater 2 :stuck_out_tongue:

Why does the contention that Super Metroid sucks, alone, disqualify it from being an RPG? Additionally, in my reviews I decided to include not just RPGs but games of the kinds that would have fallen under the coverage of the late GIA. Demon’s Crest, while probably not an RPG, certainly is a member of that category.