Ok, so I woke up early this morning because what must have been a whole flock of birds was chirping and screeching outside my window, but then I realized it wasn’t birds, but just the dog barking. I had already gotten up an hour earlier though so it worked out. But the important thing was that I had not gotten up, I had gotten down, for as I stepped from bed a thumbtack teleported from the wallboard onto the floor where it could be neatly inserted into the ball of my foot. Of what relevance is this you ask? Well do you remember 16 months ago when the Gypsy lady warned me of a bearded stranger and you all laughed? Well to you doubting Thomases I say HA!
Is it? I failed to see the seriousness of your post. Oh well. I guess it would suck stepping on a tack. Just think of my brother having a chunk of glass stuck up his foot after we were jumping on glass tables.