Cybering Gone Wrong


lamo =) Too funny.

20 bucks says Britney spears is a 40 year old man.

Fuckin’ funniest thing I’ve read in weeks!

Cybering gone wrong?

That title suggests that cybering’s ever gone right…

Hey the guy had a sense of humor, that’s some cool stuff.

Some of those sound like they’re from bash

The concept is old… Oh wlel.

Originally posted by Amerycinsycho
20 bucks says Britney spears is a 40 year old man.
20 year old man

Seen it before, but i remember loving it ^ _ ^ :moogle:

eh, seen it.

Seen it before. Old. And one of the most famous things on the whole net :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Trillian
eh, seen it.

Yeah, I do believe these are from Bash, but they are still funny, no?

I think these are things everyone should see.

Originally posted by Sorcerer

Those make Monique (from Sinfest) seem like a lucky girl.

Heh. Yeah, I’ve seen it before, but it’s still pretty silly. The repeat of the “wizard hat” one is particularly droll …

:hahaha; :hahaha; :hahaha; :hahaha;

That is freaking hilarious man.

:boring: seen it

Cool, yet another thread in which half the people say variants on LOL and the other half say variants on “Seen it. yawn

And which are you?

I make obnoxious comments on the nature of the thread.

Okay, here’s a different sort of reply, Yar…

Whoever made those has WAY too much time on their hands. What are like, like a hundred? Egads.