Concerning a Video Game Obbsessed Brother


Yep, else the clowns’ll get ya.

Actually he can hurt me, I have a condition in my knee and he’s strong enough to push me over and…yeah.

lol. My little brother is 12, and he still bugs the hell outta me to help him beat videogames.

I have to agree with Ion on this one. Just ignore the little guy. Most kids are usually spoiled, and they think they have to get their way. Ignoring them will show them they need to start doing things for themselves.

Owwwwwww, my brother juist dug his retarded little finger nails into my skin…the paiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn…

Siblings are so evil.

Become a paladin, get divine grace, add your charisma modifyer to all saving throws and you wont have as much trouble with the little evil brother.

Ya! That really anoys me.

Just don’t think about him imagine you are taking-over the world!

Fight back.

Even if she did, Sin, most parents usually look at the older sibling as a role model towards the younger one, so she’d get more of the heat than her little brother would if she fought back.

But I’m still with it.

I did that to my cousin when I was like, 10. I was scared to fight Frank in Earthbound, and suffer a defeat. He refused. Also, when I went to start my own game in Super Mario RPG, i could never figure out how to target KinkLink. He’d just say, “PRESS Y!” and walk away, and I kept doing that, but it always hit Bowser. So I cried.

aww. Watch bowser cry instead, it will make you feel better. :bowser:

I’m currently playing trough Lufia 1 because my little cousin wouldn’t stop bugging me about it. And I say that I I’m the one playing because she asks for help every five steps.

It’s not that I mind helping, but what’s fun about a game if 95% of the time you are asking someone else to play it for you?

My family has a strict rule in discipline, so no, that has never happened to me. Not even my little sister ( who loves games too) annoys me for help. She’ll ask and if I say ‘no’ it means ‘no’ She listens and obeys me more than her mom ( shes my step sister by the way) But if she ever manages to annoy me ,like smartmouthing, I tell her off in a sisterly sort of way “How old are you, 8 right?So what makes you think that you have the authority to do what you please?!Do that AGAIN and just WATCH whats gonna happen.Go ahead” and she’ll iether shutup or stop whats she was doing and cools down.

Be assertive Kiro.You are the older sister so take charge!

Your sister actually shows respect? What are you, the Ingalls? I never get anything done unless I start acting rude, talking in monosyllables or screaming until I rip my lungs apart.

lol.well…yeah.I cant imagine what would happen if I had a case like that, if that ever happened I’ll end up smacking her across the face and lecture her on her behavior.I guess you have to make yourself superior to them and at the same time disciplinine them and entertain of them in a fun way (like telling interesting facts) and they’ll worship you.I talk to my sister like if she is at my level, not degrade her or tease. Sound odd right?

My family isn’t perfect, but we have manners.Im not tryin to sound all high and mighty here ^_^" I know all of you have manners, but Im saying in general. My sister along with my ittle cousins dont even curse or nothing because I teach them to respect each other and show they were raised well.not even my aunt teaches them that! Sad,really. Not my big sister though.She was tough on me. So from what I learned, I taught.

Yeah, I understand. There’s not much respect in my family, although that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. As a matter of fact, my family gatherings usually consist of all the males “discussing” (i.e. Screaming) random topics while the women (Of which none are blood relatives) do their best to actually eat under the screaming crossfire while wondering why the heck did they marry a bunch of animals. It’s lovely in it’s twisted sort of way.

5 years old sounds like a little young to be starting on video games, really. You really should just try to wean him off them, maybe add in some other distractions, play some board games with him, or something. If he just won’t leave you alone, talk to your parents about it, see whether they can do anything. If they do something like, “Oh, you can handle that. You’re the big sister.”, then get confirmation that you have been granted full authority on the matter before doing anything that would hurt him. You know, just for the sake of future records.

Or, if the games belong to you and not him, you could threaten to keep them out of his hands. Maybe hide them somewhere. Should he cause trouble about it, use your parents as a superior authority for this. There is the risk they might take his side, though, saying “Share with your brother!” If that happens, you’ll just have to appeal to them to keep him from bothering you. If the games belong to him, on the other

My younger sister never got into games at all, so I never really had problems like this. Any ideas I’m giving out are theoretical. But I can tell you that, if you need to take it up with your parents, always be calm, never yell, don’t get emotional, make reasonable and logical arguments, and never give your brother the opportunity to look like the victim.

When I was like twelve I tried to get my younger sister into RPGs (specifically BoF 1) and I had to do everything for her. Thankfully she hates all video games now, so I don’t have this problem.