Christmas Saga 3 signup...

Name Zimmie, but thinks the name Kairi is pretty.
Age 18, but looks 14
Gender female
Height 5’1
Class summoner/bard
Alignment neutral good?

Bio She’s the daughter of a nymph and a human in her own homeworld, but after accidently causing the destruction of her homeworld she wound up at rpgc. She’s been hanging out for three years trying to gain more control over her summons. She’s now able to summon things and control them fairly well. Her specialty is water elementals and the like. And just a random fact, she enjoys singing, but is too shy to sing in front of others.

trivia question: Who is the 21st president of the US?

Feel free to take liberties with the character, just not too many. If I have made him a little too restrictive, PM me Gallo and I will cut some stuff out.

Name: Shalcar
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 11
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Good

Bio: Shalcar is a trusting friend and long time member of RPGC. He is a close friend of Sir Percival, but feels affinity with all members of RPGC (Or maybe just those that make sense). He is highly dedicated to his healing magic to the exclusion of all other spheres. As a result, his other magic is quite weak, but in the arts of healing and protection few can equal him. He makes up for his lack of magical offense by wielding a plain two-handed warhammer that has never failed him after all these years, maybe it is magical? Shalcar stands with a tall grace that would almost appear elven, but he is quite human. His deep brown hair and brown eyes make him appear older than he is. He wears long green robes, but when called to war he dons a steel chestplate, but prefers to remain robed without the confines of steel if no hand-to-hand combat appears likely. Shalcar is rather cynical with a dry sense of humor, but he will always help his friends out, regardless of his remarks. Rushing in has got him in a lot of trouble before, but he never learns that sometimes rushing to help friends can make the stuation worse. When it comes to holding back the hordes, Sir Percival and Shalcar have been shoulder to shoulder and few could break their guard.

Trivia Question: Who should get the cutlery after someone gets served?

Cool. I want in.

Name: Dave
Age: 24 (In Nov)
Gender: Male
Height: 6’
Class: Thief/Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Bio: One day Dave stumbled into RPGC while looking for something to steal and decided that he liked it here. Since then, he has not left. It does not bother him that he doesn’t really fit in and he doesn’t know anyone too well. He stays anyway, lounging around and mostly making smart-assed comments.

Dave is a strange fellow, who really just does what he feels like at any given time. He was labeled evil a while back, but that is not entirely accurate. While he has committed many evil deeds, and is capable of many more, he is just as likely to help you as screw you over, depending on the situation. A bit selfish, all he really cares about is having fun. He likes to drink, party, and generally have a good time as often as possible.

Not much is known about Dave’s past except that he is a die-hard city boy who grew up having to be able to take care of himself. He is very street-wise.

Trivia Question: What New England Patriot will be returning to the team after suffering a stroke in the off-season?

Count me in:

Name:Mastermune(mune for most)
Age:19(very soon)
Aligment:Chaotic good

Bio:A traveler at heart,Mune found RPGC in one of his travels and has decided to stay
here,has a teleportation spell but has many problems with it.He is an optimist young man,yet somewhat quiet,Always carries his Kusanagi katana and Demon Swallow with him.Nowadays he’s trying to steal work from the RPGC Task Force,just because he thinks is fun.Searching for a girlfriend.

I’ll try out for this.

Name: Abaddon
Age: 10,320
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Class: Gunmage
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Bio: Abaddon is a fallen angel, cast out of Heaven after aligning with Lucifer and joining the angelic rebellion. He was lured into it by his father, Samael (of Silent Hill fame), who has four wives. His mother, Lillith, one of Samael’s wives and an angel of prostitution, turned Abaddon into an incubus, where he had hundreds of children by visiting young women in their dreams.

Later, he was met by his older brother, Azrael, who took over Lucifer’s position as the Angel of Death, and showed Abaddon the error of his ways. But Abaddon was already cast out of Heaven (or so he believes), and fallen angels can never return to Heaven. Abaddon made himself a human body, and wandered the Earth, trying to hunt down the half-demon children he had created when he was an incubus.

Abaddon also hunts down any criminals wanted for killing, raping, etc., and kills them after he believes they have learned their lessons. Abaddon is misguided, believing he is doing good when he is killing, no better than those he kills. Abaddon works with a partner, Vincent Sardis, who works with computers and is an expert computer hacker. The government is hunting him, but they’ll never catch him (at least with cameras because cameras, mirrors, video tapes, tape recorders, etc., can’t detect him).

Uh… that’s all I can think of, at any rate.

Name: Dude
Age: 15
Height: 5’11
Class: summoner/white mage
Alignment: Lawful good
Bio: Dude found the RPGC when looking for a question about Arc the Lad Collection. He never found an answer, but he decided to stay. He thought the people there were cool and it focused around one of his favorite activities. He enjoys spending time with others usually adventuring. He is a nice guy and usually talkative.

Name: Korey Nagumo
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11
Class: Gunner
Alignment: Chaotic good

Bio: Revolutionary. He feels the stong need to fight for the oppressed in the name of Marxist-Leninism. However he rarely keeps his feelings in check. He is not rash however, in fact he tends to overthink problems because of his caution.

Trivia Question: Why does Khrushchev’s first wife look better than his second?

Nagumo! why don’t you post on the hideout anymore?

Well I have posted much anywhere lately. That and when I did the site would freeze mt computer.

Oh by the way I added the trivia question to my last post. Sorry for missing it.

I suppose being late is what I get for being out of the loop for a while.

Name: TrkJac
Age: 117
Sex: Male
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 120 lbs
Class: Mercenary Mage
Alignment:Chaotic good
Bio: Night Elf(not Dark)that started his career as a highwayman that would sell his protection to travelers and highways any who would accept it. Later moved onto being a fulltime mercenary. Currently runs a mercanary guild. Somehow got mixed up with galloway and his lorestone plot and after that now appreciates more the quiet of renting out people to make him money. He’s getting bored again, though.

I want to be in the story too!

Name: Nelimar aka Makko
Age: 14
Gender: female
Height: 5’ 4”
Class: Wizard
Alignment: Neutral Good

Bio- Nel is Wil’s niece. Like him, she was born with the gift of magic. Wil convinced her parents to let him train her in the use of Magic. She is not supposed to be an adventurer, but she often follows him into danger anyway.

insert your own useless trivia question: What is a trivia question? :stuck_out_tongue:

This sound interesting, and I’m new here so I gess I’ll try.

Name: Pox
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: Clown Ninja
Alignment: Chaotic good

Bio- Pox was a ninja, but he found that life rather dull. He sees it far more enjoyable to make people laugh before they die, but mostly because no one would suspect a clown to be a deadly ninja. He has no family. They were all murdered by mimes. He travels the world seeking revenge. (not really, he just wants a good laugh)

Usless trivia question- Why is usless trivia trivia?