Charlemagnes kind of similar to SGs game, but different


Now let us never speak of this again.

I hope we all learned a valuable lesson: dont mess with texas

It’s fun to learn, cause KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

Dear Vicki,

I made this thread because I got a bunch of people to post what I wanted them to post, to make a perfect aesops fable, but make it look like it was made by random word choices. that was the twist, but everyone fucked it up, and aesops fables are too long. but this was a good’n. I hope you realize that it is actually VERY funny. and that I cant do better than this, cuz I suck. :frowning:



Sorry, I didn’t get the memo until after. =/

Dear JCharlemagne,

 I don't care what Vicki says, I still want to have a child with your face.

                                      <3 Shinobi

Dear Vicki,

Will you go out with me?

                                    <3 Shinobi

Knowing is half the battle.