Cali peeps party: the aftermath

Originally posted by Devillion
[b]Awww, its so kawaii!

You guys are lucky to live in CA. [/b]
And YOU’RE so lucky to live in Same place as Bam and CKY, figure it out.

Sounded like good times all around.

Whup living in Alabama.

[i]Originally posted by Iscariot

Dear Everyone who was on the 5 Freeway at that moment,

You mother.

Kevin Dubrow


That just needs to be read again.

I missed my flight but got on another one, it’s all good. This will not be the last party ever. Is clothhat intarnetready now? More posts to follow when i get home from work (including pictures of haz and i, dern it)

freaking charlie, you were like 20 minutes away and wouldnt come. everyone yell at him for me PLzkthxbye!


Sounds cool. I’d like to meet some RPGC peeps IRL at some point besides RC :stuck_out_tongue:

This gets me thinking, we could have an England RPGC meeting.

Pictures! (At least the ones Aren sent me…)

The main group picture, yo. sans photoshop glares at charle
From the top left, going clockwise: Frame, Aren, Kero, Cloth Hat, SG and me.

Me, Tim and some guy named Eric being dorks.

Zeus busting out the karaoke from behind

and now…

and dorks,
more dorks,
couple o’ dorks,
more dorks,
some dorks,
and of course… dorks.


I cant |-|elp but n0tice t|-|e titty skweezing… If I g0 next time, will t|-|ere be titty skweezing f0r me? all i care ab0ut are titties and beer… and vitamin b12

my |<eyb0ard is br0|<en… -_-


a new keyboard is like $1.99 at frys… maybe you should go to the one in burbank… unless you’re afraid you’d see one of us there >=]

(also: please note. it is the BEDPOST and not a body part haz has his hand on.)


I think some of those pictured dorks might be the same people. Maybe it’s just me. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s things like these that makes me wish I wasn’t alone in my province ;.; (RPGC-Staff/Visitor-wise, that is)

Seems like you guys had fun. Maybe someday I’ll be able to afford a trip to the south or north and meet some of you.

Damn i wanna see everone also ;_; :too bad;

curses living in Nebraska, smack dab in the middle of nowhere

so cute :stuck_out_tongue: starla, that face you’re making in the first picture reminds me of my best friend who moved to germany last summer, we were totally the coolest dorks in the world :stuck_out_tongue: I wanna come to the next party so I hope I can make it :smiley: it looked like a lot of fun. I’ll try and persuade Charle too if I go :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, DG. You amazingly randomly posted somewhere which maybe is randomly affected because this is the thread of the state I live in… I don’t know. But, I dunno, have a “get-to-together” with the people around nearby you, or clsoe Canada wise? Also, you seem to present a sad tone there, at least the way the sentences are structured…

Originally posted by Mazrim Taim
I’ll try and persuade Charle too if I go :stuck_out_tongue:
I wont leave the house. I’m afraid of stuff. Stuff, and things.


I wanna go.


Charl, I demand you to go. Not that it really matters to me, though.

Charle will go.

I just know it. :smiley:

You gotta go!

And like my plastic surgeon always said: “If you gotta go, go with a smile!”