Bush's decorum has cracked somewhat.

Not democracy, but decency. Right now they’re imposing fanaticism on the people via propaganda, and they need to change their tack.

Holds true for both. Decency has to come from within, not from government policies.

I don’t doubt that they’re decent people within, but they’ve been overlaid with a veneer of fanaticism. We’ve got to take that one away and put a different one on.

Say, a nice mahogany.

Sorry, I’m feeling a little jovial because, it appears, this is the most active thread I have ever started. I should do this more often.


Propaganda has been going on for ages in America though (what other nation asks God to bless it at the end of most important speeches?). I don’t think it’s the cause. There’s been enough propaganda to drown Everest, but most of it has blown up in their faces anyway (where are the WMD?).

Anyway, the Bush admin. isn’t exactly trying to calm the situation. I like Americans. I’m good friends with two, but some of them still manage to scare me on a deeply fundamental level.

>Anyway, the Bush admin. isn’t exactly trying to calm the situation. I like Americans. I’m good friends with two, but some of them still manage to scare me on a deeply fundamental level.

Wow, that’s… cool :stuck_out_tongue:

They do. Especially the religious ones. Looks around for Fundamentalist Fanatics from Dakota

Originally posted by Pierson
They do. Especially the religious ones. Looks around for Fundamentalist Fanatics from Dakota

It isn’t North Dakota, is it? Now. It isn’t strange those scare you, considering what they hide and all.
It provides a pretty good point, in a twisted sort of way.

Anyway. Here’s to a change in humanity, and to peace in the Middle East, and maybe, sometime in the far far future, in the world. Like it’ll help any.