
manRPGChester (United) :stuck_out_tongue:

where are you?

Who would count themselves as a northerner, and who a southerner?

north all the way

I’m British. And I’m more towards the middle than anywhere else, in good old Northampton.


Yea really. I mean, how far away from each other can you guys live? England isnt really that big. >>;;

Isn’t it spelled Britain?

Rugby sucks. Play a real man’s sport, like badminton. I’m not joking in the least.

No, I’m American. But people tend to ask me if I’m japanese. And, you spelt Britain wrong. ^_*

Bloody hell I’m not!
But I’ve lived in Scotland for a couple of months, does that count?

Happy kick a brit in the crotch week!!!

kicks all the british people in this thread in the crotch

I know kick a brit in the crotch week was two months ago but I missed it so I dicided to celibrate late.:moogle:

We’re being infested with more of those god damn lobsterbacks. As if Pierson and Urkani wasn’t enough.

I’m not a Brit, but I do watch James Bond. Does that count?

God, if you’re gonna live in our country at least spell it’s name right. I’m in London, and as for why we can’t meet up, we’re too lazy/broke/ugly.

I’m a southener.

dropkicks Cait in the head, and then in the balls Dipshit

Anyway, back to business. Urkani, you’re right I personally just can’t be asked to go out and meat anyone from here.

Once again it looks like us Massachusettes citizens have to take up arms…and I’m already part of the Mass. National Guard, so that’s a plus. Lexington redux!


Damn right! Us citizens of Massachusetts are bred to kill the redcoats!

HA! We kicked Britain’s ass in WWII and we can do it again! Kick all British starts now!
BTW, Dr. Who Rulz.

Ummm…Wasn’t Britain our ally in WWII?