Amusing but stupid.
Cynical bullshit.
quotes Arfenhouse teh movie too
Why do people think that they’re funny just because they make fun of something that is popular?
I didn’t find anything funny. It was all moot points. The best part of that website was the “your robot name” thing. I want some more smirnoff please. And some sleep. nice sleep… snore snore
Heh… that was actually kind of cute. FF fans tend to forget that we love all the moogles and chocobos so much that newcomers to the series might be confused or turned off by them.
Well . . . at least someone agrees with me. Glad to see you’re on my side Cid
I admit, it was rather dumb . . . but I found it quite funny, and “cute” as Cid said.
I did like the Bucket o’ Chocobo at the top. Although anyone who really loves them would feel insulted by that.
As for the reviews, yeah they were partially right. But I think they generalised them a bit to much, for my likeing.
Yeah Cid, you’re right. I practically grew up on FF, so Moggles and Chocobo’s are like “the next best thing”. But man, knocking the Basic Elemental magic, that was pretty lame. dont they forget that Square allready tried the “burn” and “frost” magics with Breath of Fire, and they didnt work out so well. I was always amused how “Spark” was a fire spell, and “Fry” was lightning.
Yes, but countless other games use different names for elemental magic (and none use the “ara” and “aga” suffixes). It’s true that after the tenth time there’s a bit of a yearning for a more original naming system, but it would also be a letdown not to have it there, since we look for it as part of the FF signature.
Better “-ara” and “-aga” then numbers.
Originally posted by Born_Loser
Yeah Cid, you’re right. I practically grew up on FF, so Moggles and Chocobo’s are like “the next best thing”. But man, knocking the Basic Elemental magic, that was pretty lame. dont they forget that Square allready tried the “burn” and “frost” magics with Breath of Fire, and they didnt work out so well. I was always amused how “Spark” was a fire spell, and “Fry” was lightning.
Uh, didn’t Capcom make Breath of Fire? I’m pretty sure they did, seeing as how I’m pretty much one of the only people in the world who actually liked Breath of Fire V.
Classless, but short and (somewhat) sweet at the same time, a good breather from all this Super Boob XXXVIII fever that’s going around.
Squaresoft made the first BOF. It then sold the copyright to Capcom.
Originally posted by demigod
Better “-ara” and “-aga” then numbers.
Am I the only one who actually prefers the numbers?
The older part is a lot funnier, when they rate Hercules’ Trials and the Old Testament Plagues. =p
Yeah, i liked the numbers too. ara and aga were okay for FF8, but after that…
The agas and aras have been around in every FF since FF1, but only in the Japanese versions. FF8 was just the first to translate them properly.
Originally posted by ahkeeyuu
Am I the only one who actually prefers the numbers?
Nope, I like them, but frankly I think that Square’s best spell naming system was in Chrono Trigger, with the frist one being Ice or Water or Fire or Lightning, respectively (except for the Shadow spells) and the second elemental spell had the number, with the last one having the special name.