Take your pick.
Keep in mind that I have almost NO idea what games are out for PC, so just pick the OTHER option. Please specify.
BTW, I voted KotOR
Originally posted by Charlemagne
Xenosaga. This was kinda slow year for RPGs, because Xenosaga had some very obvious flaws.
Originally posted by Sorcerer
Xenosaga. This was kinda slow year for RPGs, because Xenosaga had some very obvious flaws.
Expecially slow for GameCube.
I mean they didn’t get ANY RPGs this year pretty much.
XBox didn’t get much either, it got 4 (Deus Ex: IW, Morrowind: GotY, SW:KotOR, Arx Faitlis)
Even PS2 didn’t get much this year.
hands down.
I voted Knights of the Old Republic. The .hack games were irritating and childish. Xenosaga, while I enjoyed the game, was nowhere near the brilliant masterpiece that it was hyped up to be. Morrowind got old after a while. The only other game I had opportunity to play on this list was Disgaea, and while I thought it was a fantastic game, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Knights of the Old Republic were better games.
And so as not to offend anybody, I won’t even list the myriad of reasons that I have for hating both Final Fantasy X-2 and its predecessor.
By the way, who’s idea was it to leave Arc the Lad: Twilght of the Spirits off of this list?
considering that it was rather crappy, I don’t think many care that it isn’t. I usually have the utmost patience with games where I liked the rest of the series but not the current one. But AtL:TotS is still collecting dust and I’ve had it since it came out. AtL 2 was so much better (and harder).
Originally posted by Rubicante
By the way, who’s idea was it to leave Arc the Lad: Twilght of the Spirits off of this list?
Certinly not the topic creator’s.
X-2 BABY!!!
Originally posted by Gizamaluke
Certinly not the topic creator’s.
:thud: nothing else to say :thud:
I’d have to say FF X-2. Although I myself haven’t played the game, I’ve watched my brother play it. And if you can have fun just by watching someone play a game, that’s reason enough for me!:moogle:
Not a very good RPG year so I would have to say FFX-2. Im sure KotOR would be up there if I actually got a chance to play it =)
Knights of the old republic, too bad I only finished it this year.