Batman... SINGING!? 0_0

Ask Vs. System nuts and they’ll tell you otherwise. I think DC sucks except for “Rigged Elections”.

Woo, I finally got to quote myself! 8P
Ahem Just wanted to say, I identified the guy in the red cape. The Crimson Avenger, DC hero almost as old as Superman himself! Never seen him in that costume before, tho. Looks too much like The Question. (Who shows up next episode, btw.)

Thank you, TV Tome.Com! : )

Mr. Mxypltk… (sp?) Does exorcizing him belong into her arsenal?

And haven’t seen a single ep with him in the WB animated series, so I hope I haven’t missed a thing… (Seeing Magic is Supes’ second real worst weakness…)

Mister Mxyzptlk (say: Mix-spit-lick) did indeed appear in at least one episode of the WB Superman series (but not in JL, that I know). He was voiced by Gilbert Gottfried, the man behind the voice of that annoying duck from the AFLAC commercials. It was a VERY funny episode, because it turned out that Superman could trick him VERY easily, and he kept coming back, again and again and again, each time swearing he would get Superman and always getting tricked into saying his name backwards in a blink. In the comics it was VERY hard. I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.

suddenly, a duck walks into the post


I never got into the whole Vs. Marvel thing. It looks cool. Costs too much for me though.

And I wonder if/when this’ll rerun so I can catch it.

i cant belive i missed batman singing. I remember Adam West dancing, hahaha. Adam est was always crazy though.

Woohoo, saw the episode myself! (Thank you, internet!)

And hey, it was a good song.