Bagels and Steak knives.

So, last night I wanted a bagel, easy right? No. Our bagels are hard like rocks, but i was hungry and desperate, so I grabbed a steak knife in an attempt to cut open my bagel. I did cut open my bagel, but also cut my middle finger open to the bone. after waiting thrity minutes with toliet paper wrapped around my finger, I decided after bleeding all over the place to have my mom take me to the ER because we didn’t have bandaids, I thought they would tape me up. Wrong. After three shots in the joints of my fingers and four stitches (thats all it took sadly) later I was okay. I can’t play my drum though or draw, or type really fast.

I never did get my bagel.:fungah:

Why didn’t you use a Bagel Knife?

Basic reading comprehension, Xelo. It was too hard for “bagel knife” (I’m certain you mean a butter knife, I’ve never heard of a “bagel knife”).

Yeouch. gives Alyx a hi-potion


I inflicted some minor nicks on my hands with a big ol’ serrated bread knife trying to hack through some hard-ass bagels. But damn, no, nothing to this degree.

Yeesh, to the bone. Ow.

Be careful, holmes.

Be happy you didnt’ cut a nerve or a tendon.

I have had bad experiences with knifes but never that bad,hope you get better soon.


Holy crap, that sucks.

Crazy RPGC-ers and their knives. What is this, the second time in a week and a half!?

Originally posted by Evangelion
Crazy RPGC-ers and their knives. What is this, the second time in a week and a half!?

Yeah, but this is an accident, so its not nearly as <strike>mind numbingly stupid</strike> foolish.

wince Geez that really sucks…I hope you’re back to being able to do stuff again soon. o.o;

(I suggest getting a bagel slicer…it’s saved me from cutting my hand many a time)

~Bagel Bagel Bagel,
I wanted you all day,
Bagel Bagel KNIFE!
Cut my damn finger away!~

Elegy for the Bagel Blues

Ouch! Hope it heals up quickly.

Originally posted by Cybercompost
(I’m certain you mean a butter knife, I’ve never heard of a “bagel knife”).

I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean a butter knife, since they can only cut, you know, butter. Hell, the edges are usually rounded.

Well I can manage to cut a bagel with a butter knife.

Just not a stale bagel.

Perhaps all RPGC members should be restricted to butter knifes and safety scissors? Sharp objects don’t seem to be handled well.

Originally posted by Sinistral
Be happy you didnt’ cut a nerve or a tendon.
HA! you and your “science”

Actually, Roun, bagel knife is probably some weird Canadian word for some other utensil. Probably fork. It’s very much akin to their “Canadian Bacon.” It’s ham, you silly people.

Har har


kisses Alyx’s booboo and makes it all better >_>;;

A bagel knife is the knife in the bottom. You get a line in to the center of the bagel, then you cut in a circle.

More weird I haven’t heard about, let alone seen or ate. How fun. You should have used a breadknife, at least if the breadknives you got are anything like the ones we got: I’m pretty sure they’d make excellent saws.