Backstreet boys are gay

omg leik tehy r SOOO ghey they SUUXXXXXXXX!!!111

That is as ancient as the Universe. Or possibly Elton John.

Now now now, I’ll not have this slander.

Equating gay people to the backstreet boys. That’s horribly unfair to the gay community.

Cut it out.


Equating gay people to the backstreet boys. That’s horribly unfair to the gay community

Equating people to the Backstreet Boys is horribly unfair to us all.

This is horribly old. I’ve had the actual song on CD for over a year now. It sounds remarkably similar and better than the original. I love cranking it up on the road.

I’ve seen it before, but its still funny.

Teh funneh. :mwahaha:

Not only is it old, but it is nothing compared to Regurge 03.

Jeeze, you don’t have to make a thread to tell me that.

Exactly. Most of us nknew that already. NExt subject!

I thought that was pretty dumb, even for something making fun of the backstreet boys…
I mean lets get serious, they went out of the loop about 4 years ago.