Author reveals sixth Potter title

All I could think of was:

Hermione: If you want him, come and claim him!

Wil, I’d recommend you at least read the third book. The movie left out somethings from the book that are pretty interesting to learn.

been following the series since it first came out. And so far, Order of the Phoenix is the only book I haven’t reread. At all. And considering I reread all my books every few months or so, that’s saying something.

Yeah the first harry potter movie was disappointing to me as was the second movie though it was slightly better. The third movie I actually liked, maybe cause I went in thinking it was going to be a let down again. That or I only read the books once and forgot what happened in the 3rd book aside from what the movie showed so I just took the movie for what it was maybe?

I’ve loved every book and swear theres crack in-between the pages. Theres so much more to the books. Thats the problem with movies based on books, the time issue, no one(sane) is going to go to the theater for a 6 or more hour movie since if it did show every detail. Guess if you don’t want to be let down too much you read the book after you see the movie?

Was she meaning storage for the title or no? That is a weak title.

DAtDA teachers, whats that stand for? I can’t remember.

I totally agree with Cless here (damn, that’s rare!). I was surprised how childish and stupid Harry behaved; which was unusual. In the other books he seemed to behave rather mature for his age; or was always one step ahead of the rest of everyone. But in Order of the phoenix he was just stupid. o.o

P.S.: Sorc rocks :open_mouth:

DAtDA = Defense Against the Dark Arts

Maaan, it’s all about his raging hormones, cut Harry some slack dude. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s really hard to be his age, much harder than it is to be younger-and-not-a-teenager.

In the first four books he was basically being who he was supposed to be, the heroic Harry Potter who trumps evil and never even gave it a second thought as to whether or not that’s what he should do. But the true hero’s journey involves a renunciation of everything, even the right, so one can cultivate in oneself a purer, deeper, more powerful wellspring of goodness, unfettered from any sort of mental attachments. Development of that purity of focus can only be made when one is completely broken away from the world around one in one’s mind. All children must at some point break away from their parents in order to become adults, and all heroes must break away from the society which formed them in order to be able to fulfill their true potential. It’s the same sorta deal.

The break from everything is really difficult though, and confusing, because it’s not so simple as like, a physical removal, it’s something that you have to do for yourself in your mind which is why Harry doesn’t know what to think or what to do. He feels like he’s got this hero’s destiny to fight Voldemort and he’s kind of struggling with it cause he feels like he doesn’t know what he should think about it, whether the right thing to do is to embrace it or fight it. So of course he’s gonna show some outward signs of his inner struggle, and that’s why he was kind of an asshole I think. It’s really hard.

HP is a really simple story, about a typical hero’s journey, but this sorta thing has been repeated across cultures, across time, and Rowling is very well-educated in the study of literature, I’m sure. She knows what she’s doing, even if she’s a. not THAT great a writer (artistically) and b. tailoring her books towards kids.

I wasn’t surprised at Harry’s attitude in Order of the Phoenix. In Goblet of Fire, he

witnessed his parents killer rise to power again, then see killed Cedric right in front of his eyes, and was forced to duel with Voldermort. In OdtP, Sirius is killed. I don’t think he’ll be any more cheerful in this one.

I highly doubt that Sirius died. I mean, it’s not certain that he’s dead or alive, but I think from the tone of the books he’s going to come back.

Writing on her website, Rowling said the only plot detail she would reveal was that Half Blood Prince did not refer to Harry or the evil Lord Voldermort character.

Rowling has previously said she had considered the title for the second book, but instead plumped for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

That all might mean that the character was for sure in book 2.

Anyone think of any characters that were half in book 2?

That would be ‘younger’ Voldemort. But she most likely changed who it is.

Malfoy played more of a role in Book 2 than in most of the books, so maybe in book 6 we learn that he was like an illegitimate child of Lucius and a non-magic woman or something, heh.

I’ll repeat myself: Hagrid’s a half-blood.

Yeah, that could work too, since Hagrid was a big part of the backstory to Book 2.

We heard you the first time, but who says your right?

Cala says Cala’s right.

Anyway, I want to read this next one. Just to see how things develop. And as for Harry being a bit of an asshole in the fifth book, it is understandable, like Mazrim said. After living through what he went through at the end of book four, he would have a lot of conflict in his mind (liking being the one who help Voldemort return to power, etc.) so of course he would use the people closest to him as “targets” for his rage. That way he could work through this conflict, because his friends would understand and stand by him, like they did at the end of the book.

An asshole in the fifth book? He’s always been an asshole. Think a little about it, he constantly hides the truth from everyone, including Dumbledore, because he thinks he can take care of it by himself. He’s got no respect for authority, but that’s apparently okay because he’s the only one who can stand up to Voldemort.
I was rather dissapointed with the fifth book because for as long as it took Rowling to write, very little happened throughout the book, except for the display of Harry’s transition to the teen years, which I would have rather done without.

And Sirious “death” didn’t come across well. It was just like: poof! Sorry Harry, but your favorite person in the whole world will never come back because he fell through some funky portal.

And Wil, you most definately should read the books. The movies may seem rather less enjoyable in comparrison, since they need to cut parts to make it fit, but the books are far better. There is room for more characters and plot. Fred and George are perhaps the funniest character in the series, but in the movies you rarely get to see them. What a shame.

yeah, Sirius’ death was kinda contrived. I mean come on, they PUSHED HIM THROUGH A CURTAIN.

yeah, i just couldn’t understand how sirius could die being pushed into a curtain.

I don’t think they ever said he died, just that he disappeared through the curtain.

And Sorc, IT’S YOU’RE!!!1111111```

But really, it seems like nobody put thought into Hagrid possibly being the prince. Everyone seems focused on Malfoy or Ron or whatnot.