As the young uns are saying these days, "w00t"

Originally posted by Sinistral
I make money by exploiting stupid people.

Wow, that’s funny, cause I lose money when smart people exploit me. Small world.

Obviously people in the US don’t look after their money as we do. You never find that much money around where I live… I wish I lived in the US…

Originally posted by VickiMints
[b]Well, she took one look at the dollar I handed to her, and she promptly put it away after her eyes almost fell out of her head. My brother and I got some cool souvenirs on that trip… it turned out that I had found a $100 bill. Pretty nifty, huh?

edit - Just to add, Kaiser, finding money randomly is pretty cool, isn’t it? I sort of forgot to tell you “cool!” when I was telling my story, lol. [/b]

Yes, it is nifty, and cool. In fact, I found another dollar today. (w00t).

But, unfortunately, the dollar was a dollar dollar, and not like the dollar you found way back when. [Very cool story by the way].

Did you know that 2 of 3 dollar bills in the US have heroin on them?

Also, Did you know that 83% of all statistics are made up? Think about that one.

I once found a blacn check. But it wasn’t signed so I couldn’t write “one million bucks” on it.

My sister is waitress who aparently never likes to empty her pockets. I was taking some of her clothes out of the drier so I could use it and found $50.

I thought: I should really give this to her.

But I didn’t. She’s done this type of thing before and didn’t seem to mind if she lost it. This was a while ago and to this day I don’t even think she knew she had it.

I probably used it on school books anyway though.

Originally posted by Ren
I once found a blacn check. But it wasn’t signed so I couldn’t write “one million bucks” on it.
The term “Blank Check” means it’s signed but with no amount.

What’s the one for not-signed and no amount then?

Originally posted by Ren
What’s the one for not-signed and no amount then?

Toilet Paper.

[edit: Post #400 since Great Deletion II reset the counter…and what an anticlimatic way to get it, too. “Toilet Paper.” Somehow fitting…]