I found this site last summer and just dug it up again. Even if you don’t believe in spooks and ghosts it’s still kinda entertaining.
If you look on the right hand side, there is a heading Hauntings…choose your country (Only US, UK and Canada folks find your state/province/country and then you can look for hauntings that have occured in your area. it’s kinda interesting what you may find…I never expected Halifax Nova Scotia to be listed but there was lots of little info bits on ghost sightings around here. Find areas when you live and post em
[b]Acadia University, Seminary House, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
See website for information.
Seminary House (1878), a fine old frame building with an addition added in 1892, was built to address the concerns of Baptist leaders regarding the lack of educational opportunities for women. The harmless spirit of a flaxen haired girl has been spotted in one of the study rooms here[/b]
I have a friend going to this college. Wonder if he’s seen her.
[b]Bedford Basin, Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia.
Located in the Harbour.
As you travel along the scenic Bedford Highway between Halifax and Bedford, stop and roll down your window. You’ll be surprised what you hear. You will hear the sounds of muffled oars and straining men as they spend eternity trying to get ashore[/b]
bedford Basin is 7 minutes away and Ive been past is numerous times. This seems a bit ridiculous, but the Halifax explosion, in 1917 (biggest man made explosion in the world prior to nuclear bombs) happened around here…
[b]Berwick, Nova Scotia.
See website for town information.
The beautiful town of Berwick lies in the centre of the famed Annapolis Valley, nestled between the North and South Mountains and is the apple capital of Nova Scotia. It’s also famous for sightings in the 1960s of a twenty foot tall humanoid creature covered in hair.[/b]
FREAKY!!! MY CAMPGROUND IS HERE! I have walked in this village dozens of times and I haven’t seen anything scary but still I’ll be looking over my shoulder next time.
[b]Halifax Infirmary, Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
See website for information.
Although this is a new building, built less than ten years ago, its still rumored to be haunted by shapes, sounds and an evil presence on the 4th floor. Some feel it may be the spirit of people who passed away in the Camp Hill Barracks, which were once located where the hospital once stands. Several graves were reported to be unearthed during construction.[/b]
I’ve been here before…that’s creepy…never met anything on the 4th floor though. I hope nothing happens to me and that I end up there >>
[b]Louisbourg Fortress, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia.
See website for information.
Each summer the Fortress springs to life. Dozens of costumed animators become the town’s residents of the summer of 1744. Period homes, exhibits and theme centers line the central streets of Rue Toulouse and Rue Royale, as well as along the busy waterfront (quay). Apparently, the spirits of those long past get into the game, as well, as they make frequent appearances.[/b]
The fortress built hundreds of years ago when the Acadians were battling against Britain. Halifax was built because of Louisbourg.
[b]McNab’s Island, Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia.
See website for information.
The island is home to many a spirit. The cries of children who died in an orphanage fire, a spectral horse and carriage and the headless ghost of Peter McNab, who wanders the island looking to reclaim his head.[/b]
Ive been here, and I remember seeing a creepy looking guilotine…you know, those head choppers. Didnt feel safe there Now I know why.