Boys will be boys.
What the hell are 10 year olds doing with cell phones anyway. I dont think you need a cell phone until AT LEAST you are old enough to have a job.
Originally posted by Jakanden
What the hell are 10 year olds doing with cell phones anyway. I dont think you need a cell phone until AT LEAST you are old enough to have a job.
Its “cool” to play games on a cellphone, but its uncool to play them on a GBA. Im sure the games are the only reason they would want one.
And oh please. I thought this article would be about script kiddies bullying AIM users. Kids bullying each other after school has always been going on, its nothing new.
Yeah it’s not new, and it will always be around. The only differences will be how they go about it. First just punches and insults, now there are text-insults and cyber-punches. So the real question is what’s next?
Why do kids have to be so evil?
In my days we used to kick the crap out of each other and then leave with bruises of the size of a watermelon. You kids… You don’t know how easy you got it.
Someone has once again forgotten about the almightly ignore function.
I’m yet to see a communicative program that lacks it. There is even an ignore function in most cellphones.
And as has already been mentioned, there is nothing new about this. It has been a problem since the dawn of mankind, and is likely to remain a problem untill the end of it.
Nulani summed it up pretty well about the ignore feature.
Just recently I encountered a very very strange person on my other forum who would email myself and many other members constantly stating her opinions and going on and on off track.
Anyways, I told her to stop it, but she kept sending back things saying that I was so rude. So I told her to stop it again if we can’t chat with a civilized attitude, I’d block her.
WELL she emailed me back claiming that she was sick in the hospital that she had the certificate to prove it and my emails were adding in so much uncesessary stress into her life and that she is going to take me to court if I wouldn’t leave her alone.
Which is weird, because the whole thing was about her not leaving me alone. Does this make me a cyber bully? Are the police gonna take me away? She said she was going to sue me -_-;;
I’m quivering here. Ph33r us cyber bullies, who pick on victems who are so stupid, they don’t realize there is a Block button.
Seriously though…That only eliminates half of the problem I guess, since rumour stuff can just get started easily. I find it nice that the whole bullying problem is now a big issue just because it’s technical. shakes head Focus more on the individuals and not the electronics, Glenn Stutzky.
Who can honestly be bullied by someone on the internet?
Originally posted by Jakanden
What the hell are 10 year olds doing with cell phones anyway. I dont think you need a cell phone until AT LEAST you are old enough to have a job.
I agree, only a very small number of people actualy NEED cell phones.
But hell, kids are always making fun of each other, expecialy from the ages 10-14.
Yes but that doesn’t mean it’s “normal”. Usually, from 10-14, boys and girls are getting the starting effects of puberty, leaving them very vulnerable and emotionally confused. No one at this age should be bullied, as the “inner scars” are more difficult to heal, when they’re exposed to such a mental cruelty at such an age. You have to remember that the bullying usually goes past these ages well into high school, and many students can’t deal with that, for having going through it for so long.
Well ya, no one should be bullied, I was bullied a lot in middle school, but you know what, you can’t stop it. It’s really horrible, since after a while in middleschool I just stopped talking to people, and had a lot of trouble starting high school. I eventualy got over it though, HOWEVER, no matter what we do, we will never compleatly get rid of bullying and it is very unfortunate that cell phones and other technology adds to the problem.
I agree, only a very small number of people actualy NEED cell phones.
But hell, kids are always making fun of each other, expecialy from the ages 10-14.
Oh well they will get brain cancer and die. All problems solved.
Originally posted by BlueMageOne
Well ya, no one should be bullied, I was bullied a lot in middle school, but you know what, you can’t stop it. It’s really horrible, since after a while in middleschool I just stopped talking to people, and had a lot of trouble starting high school. I eventualy got over it though, HOWEVER, no matter what we do, we will never compleatly get rid of bullying and it is very unfortunate that cell phones and other technology adds to the problem.
Yes you can stop it. It’s unfortunate you had to go through that, I know how it feels, and I too have stopped talking to people, but on account of what I feel is right for me, not because I crawled into some shell because of blind little bastards who get off on picking at people.
It can be stopped, you can fight back, but a lot of people don’t realize this, and a lot of people don’t get over it. I’m glad you did, but I see far too many people in school that I believe wont get over it, and it’s sad, that these individuals get so ridiculed in a time of their life which should be the most exciting. Instead, they suffer, and it carries on into adulthood.
It’ll never go away, but we can still help those that can be helped.
I just don’t see why it seems to be a major issue NOW that it’s electronic. If anything, it’s more toned down, and the comments have an option of being ignored. Though anyone who is stupid enough to take electronic conversations seriously (IE, the rumour starting over text messages) needs to cash in on a reality cheque.
Common sense doesn’t seem to be that common anymore -_-;;
(Forgive me, i rambled a lot:kissy: )
You know, High School may seem like a big part of your life right now, but when its overwith, and a few years later, you realize that it was just one step in your life.
Even with all the stuff i went though, I think bullying is a part of our culture, and develops us has humans through that period of life.
Originally posted by BlueMageOne
You know, High School may seem like a big part of your life right now, but when its overwith, and a few years later, you realize that it was just one step in your life.
Even with all the stuff i went though, I think bullying is a part of our culture, and develops us has humans through that period of life.
I agree about the high school thing. Afterwards quite frankly, the “you aint shit” applies here to everyone.
I don’t think bullying should be part of our culture though. Everyone gets picked on and teased, but no one needs it or should have to go through it constantly, or to the extent as said in the article (being teased about being gay, etc) That’s a bit extreme and uncalled for. Not a lot of people can handle critisism and “jokes” like that, and quite often, the bullies doing it are oblivious to the damage they’re inflicting.
being the brunt of a joke or being picked on is normal, but if it’s continuous and harsh, that’s not normal. It shouldn’t be allowed, and everyone has a right to feel like they’re being bothered. Though that’s just me, you seem well adapted to such a situation, but many are not, and many develope quite well without being bullied. It just leads to self loathing, low self confidence, and hidden anger. if some kids can handle it and modify it to theirselves in a positive way, then fine, but many don’t, and well that’s when sick things happen.
Arrg I know I’m rambling again!:hyperven: It’s just that I have strong feelings about kids that get bullied, because I am sooooo against it and have witnessed so many awful things because of it. Sorry again. I like discussing.
Man, cyberspace isnt even safe from bullies.
This is just how it is. You either get with it (the people that are the bullies and\or ‘popular’), get angry (which is why we have things like Columbine), become victimized (kill yourself or become a tortured soul), or stop caring (the path all the apathetic slackers took). Really, you only win with option one, an option that never became available to me. I’d be bitter about it, but I chose option four.