Are RPGs too long?

And the worst part is that years later you are reading an online discussion and remember that you went through a lava dungeon to get a ruby and can’t remember what it was all about. Besides the fact that in most games npcs demand favors and you comply even though you are stronger than them.

It was most likely to make it into an apple. But now I can’t recall the person who wanted the glass apple or why. :frowning:

You could at least check my shrine to verify :bowser:

Ha! Probably IMF guidelines to help the export industry of the land.

It depends on why they’re long. Lots of story text = good. Endless, repetitive battles/puzzle solving = bad.

If it is because the RPG takes so long to perform actions such as attacks or the menus being slow, then I often get bored with them

Yeah, emulators have totally spoiled me. I can still remember the godawful loading times for Final Fantasy Anthology.

Yeah I mean the 8-bit NES versions of Final Fantasy were awesome at 200% speed. What I love about the SNES & Game Boy emulators even more is how you can set the fast-forwrd button to like R2 on a gamepad and makes it easily accessable. Even a modded Xbox can spoil me on any game. Good example - when I clear a level of Super Mario World and the sequence where mario walks off occurs, that’s a great time to fast forward. So it is even convenient in non-RPGs sometimes.

I gradually lost interest in most JRPGs years ago.

As was said earlier in the thread, the genre hasn’t changed an at all except for graphical improvements. Western RPGs, on the other hand, have gone from being mediocre level-grinding dungeon-crawlers to sprawling, open-world, free-form RPGs that I don’t have any problem dropping a hundred hours or more into. Even a linear western-style RPG like Neverwinter Nights or any of the KOTR games still has spades more player freedom than modern JRPGS.