WARNING: The following is a commercial message, filled with lots of filthy shameless plugging and links to strange and unusual places. However, there IS a point and a reason for posting it here. Skip ahead four or five paragraphs if you want to get right to that.
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For those of you unfamiliar with what this strange “Antioch Wars” is, check out the site.
Okay, welcome back. Now that you’re caught up…
AW, from the beginning of the project almost two years ago, has had big plans for the folks from Online Life. This was a natural thing, since the big villain in AW is the infamous Peer that had a starring role in OL. Before that, for those familiar with your old-skool RM2k games, Peer made his first big appearance in the RPG The IRC Project, which I THINK can still be found over at Gaming World. But anyways, a couple of the heroes from that campaign made their way into OL briefly to help them fight Peer, so it seemed only natural to have the OL guys appear in AW to help take on Peer again.
A lot has changed for AW, and OL, in the last two years. AW has become a multi-chapter project, and we’re only up to Chapter 2. OL has moved over here to RPGC.
So, here’s the deal. Partially because of OL’s tightness with RPGC (and the fact that most OL characters are staffers over here), partially because of my growing familiarity with this place, and partially because the AW plot has been shaken up a bit, RPGClassics will now have a broader role in Antioch Wars, probably starting late in Chapter 2 or sometime in Chapter 3 (out of 4, MAYBE 5, chapters). Many cool things could come about from having RPGC in the game. :ah-ha!:
Now for those who didn’t play the original AW Chapter 1 release, the two main communtities that have appeared so far (Online Life and Antioch) have been physical locations on the worldmap, with the forums appearing as rooms inside the buildings. RPGC would be the same way, only there would be more non-forum areas to explore. I already have some idea of who I’d want to represent this place, but I was wondering if there were any pre-existing sprites for staffers or forum regulars already. (Keep in mind that the game takes place about two years to a year and a half ago, so it should obviously be folks around back then.) Additionally, if there have been any RM2k-compatible maps created to represent areas of RPGC, or there are any staffers who would like to make such maps (as SpoonyBard did for Online Life HQ), it would be nice to have those as well. In return for contributions, you will recieve lavish praises on the site and in the game itself (beginning in the chapter in which your material appears, of course). Major contributions will also get a sneak peek at that chapter’s material.
Remember, this would start at the end of the chapter we have just begun work on, if not the chapter AFTER that, so there’s no big rush. Also keep in mind that not all contributions may be used. We can and will be creating new sprites or using pre-existing ones for a number of folks we already have in mind, so there are only a few slots for NPCs open.
Sorry for how long this all took, but I wanted to get the idea in people’s heads ahead of time so that we have everything in order come RPGC’s appearance.
Oh, and staffers: certainly, if there is any problem with ANY of this, please notify me immediately and I’ll take steps to fix whatever is troubling.
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We now return you to your regularly scheduled forum insanity, already in progress. Thank you.