another riddle of sorts...

can anyone solve this riddle?

it cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
it lies behind stars and under hills,
and empty holes it fills.
it comes first and follows after,
ends life, kills laughter

A bad joke?



You can see darkness, foo =P

xelo got it right, actually. another one is…

the beginning of eternity,
the end of all time and space.
i was never born,
yet i will surely die.
in the beginning i was there
and at the end i’m the one to survive.


Damn I’m good at this.

first try…hmm…

i am held at bay by day,
and released by the power of darkness.
i prey on mortal thoughts, whether asleep or wakeful.
i am difficult to fight, the root of suffering.
i am harsh, i am cold,
yet nobody can fight me with their hands,
only with their mind.
what am i?

I’ve seen this one before… if I remember right, it’s fear

well then, how about this one?

think of words ending in -gry.
angry and hungry are two of them. there are only three words in the english language. what is the third word? the word is something that everyone uses every day. if you have listened carefully, i have already told you what it is.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:
Aggry or Puggry

DAMMIT! how do you know all this? …well, another one…

in the back yard there is a hollow stump that contains six ears of corn. if a healthy squirrel carries out only three ears each day, how many days will it take to empty the stump?

It depends on how many Squirrels there are.

In the case of 1 healthy squirrel:

Six days. One ear of corn, two ears on it’s head.

Short after I joined, we started to post riddles like these so I already know the answers. I remember posting the one about the GRY words.

2 days if you understand the difference in concept between “ears of corn” and “ears you hear with” and realize you can’t use the word “ear” to encompass both simutaneously. Doing so violates rules of language. =P

Originally posted by Green Mage
2 days if you understand the difference in concept between “ears of corn” and “ears you hear with” and realize you can’t use the word “ear” to encompass both simutaneously. Doing so violates rules of language. =P
Riddles are based on playing with words.

Hope you don’t mind, Zhou, but I’d like to take this moment to share one of my favorate riddles. :o

My life is measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick…
Thick, I am slow…
A gust of wind is my greatest foe.

…i hate you, xelo. :slight_smile:

a man walked into a bar and asked for a glass of water. the bartender pointed a gun at him. the man then said thank you, and walked out. why?

EDIT: sorry, didn’t see the last 4 posts as i typed this…



You people need to think up more original riddles. I’ve heard every one of them here so far.

Damn Modem, I knew those but I can’t post quick enough :stuck_out_tongue: