Even me Nulani?
No luck remembering the dream, I don’t really care much anyways. So yea. I’ve also never had an RPGC related dream.
Even me Nulani?
No luck remembering the dream, I don’t really care much anyways. So yea. I’ve also never had an RPGC related dream.
I don’t have dreams about people I have never met. They are either people I know, or fictional characters (sometimes MY fictional characters, then it gets scary).
As far as I’m concerned, people on the internet that I have not met do not even exist. Yeah- I know you do, but… for all I know you are someone completely different than you say you are. Thats about it.
I need to get a better dream interpretation book; the last time I tried to get some idea about a dream all I could find was bullshit about my sexual identity. And uh… yyyyyyyyyyeah. That’s pretty much all that book is. :thud:
A few nights ago I drempt, well, more like watched it happen along with reprecusions and news reports, of american oil tankers blowing up as a result of a ‘terrorist’ attack. True or not, it was funny to watch… but poor sea amimials ;.;
Nessa, don’t worry about that! I’ve had some pretty crazy ass dreams before.
Like once, I was kidnapped, but I ended up falling inlove with the kidnapper, and then I left because of something… I think we fought or something… yeah, then I was sad… and I really hope that doesn’t become some, or is already some, horrable movie.
All in all though, dreams rock. I love being able to remember mine as well as I can ^^
I had this weird dream, and I don’t remember anything about it.
Oh. My. God.
That’s so weird nightblade.
Scary, isn’t it?
dude, that rocks I totally got the best part.
seriously though, next time we meet, I’ll give you a piggy-back ride. I promise. And like, remember how I promised I’d meet you over winter vacation? Well it was really hard to get to the train station, I had to beg and plead with my mom to drive me to Seattle really early in the morning during a blizzardy blizzard cause the Bellingham station was closed, and she was going really slow and I cried because I thought we wouldn’t make it in time, but then the blizzarding stopped and we made the train just in time, and I was able to visit you and fulfill my promise
Just letting you know so you know I’ll really truly give you a piggy-back ride the next time we meet, be it this summer or sooner or later! You have my WORD
-Mazrim Taim
YAY! :yipee:
I try not to dream. Having your worst fears and traumas played out for you night after night is not a very pleasant thing.
I don’t think that dreams can tell the future, but it can sometimes say something about your mental condition.
Anyway, not every silly dream has a meaning. In dreams you process some memories.
When I dreamed last night Gollum tried to kill me (unfortunately,he failed), only some things from the days before where processed in my sick head: To much Lotr and my wish to die, which had increased recent time.
What the reasons are for that REALLY weird dreams I dunno, maybe a great potential of fantasy.:hahaha;
My sister had a book about dream symbols, but nothing came as the book predicted.
There were some thinks like: If you see a tree, someone you know will get married… Nothing ever happened
Oh, gods, someone on RPGC called “Baka-Neko” … Uh, have I told about that one dream I had where I was running from the army of Smiths? He caught up with me and then turned me into a Smith. It went something like …
Urk … Could you … make the … process less … painful …?
You’ll feel better in a minute …
… You’re right, I feel fine!
… And then we all went and chased after some more people, in this church place.
I’m pretty damned certain I’ve had precognitive dreams in the past. like, once I dreamed of playing hte original master of orion a YEAR ahead of actually playing it. That, and a few other games I can’t immediately remember, but the MoO one was the first one I consciously noticed.
When I say everyone, I mean everyone. And don’t ask me to try and predict how you would have been killed. My subconcious seems to have a very good imagination when it comes to ways to kill people.
Do you think it’s trying to give me a hint on something?
Originally posted by IonMage
I’m pretty damned certain I’ve had precognitive dreams in the past. like, once I dreamed of playing hte original master of orion a YEAR ahead of actually playing it. That, and a few other games I can’t immediately remember, but the MoO one was the first one I consciously noticed.
Lots of people get those occasionally, there’s nothing mystical about them, your subconscious is piecing together data and making connections you couldn’t make while awake.
My Turn!
My dad died when I was 13. He and I never really got along much, most of what we said too each other was used with what teachers call the “outside voice”, in that we screamed at each other. Mostly, I was justified, but he still left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I wasn’t very displaced when he died, however I can trace a lot of my “issues” back to him, as can I guess a lot of people. I won’t go into any details, but lets just leave it at “I’m not too broken up about it”.
Anyway, I had a dream. Which is an irregularity, because I almost never dream, and when I do, I guess I don’t remember it. Anyway, I had a dream that my dad came back from the dead - literally. That’s what happend in the dream, he came back from the dead. But he was still sorta dead. He just moaned and groaned a lot and sorta shook his head. In my dream a lot of things were out of place. Like our house - I don’t live in a house, I live in a condominium. I also had a sister in the dream, which I do not have in real life. Anyway, we suddenly decided to go out somewhere, and for some reason we let my dad drive. Well, we were gonna take 2 cars. My dad got into the car alone, and having been dead for 3 years was sorta rusty on the driving. He speeds out into the street (out of my non-existant driveway) and careens straight into some van (a green van too, my favorite color oddly enough). Well, suddenly I realize he’s been in a car crash, and me, the only one concerned at all, runs over to see if he’s ok (which I know he isn’t. In fact, I happen to know he’s dead. Again.) I look through the window to see him crumpled up beneath the wheel; sort of crushed into the space between the seat and the pedals. Then poof, I’m awake. Then I went back to sleep and had a dream about cigarettes, which was really weird, mainly because I can’t possibly decipher a dream about cigarettes, and that I had two memorable dreams in one night. For a person who never dreams, that’s sort of a strange occurance.
Any ideas?