Originally posted by Green Mage
What are your views on what the relationship between China and the USA is going to be like over the next 40 years?
USA will treat China kind like it treats Europe as a whole today, since China will still have the world’s largest market and by then it will also be an economic potence.
Originally posted by Sinistral
Can I REALLY ?!?
I was just being dramatic :get it?:
Originally posted by Charlemagne
You :ah-ha!:
Originally posted by demigod
Question: Will you let really let a mod close this thread? Please?
No. But it doesn’t take someone letting them do it for them to actually do it, does it?
Originally posted by Pierson
Why do you expect anyone to take this seriously when it’s far more fun to make up silly and annoying questions as seen above?
I thought you people would be tired of always asking the SAME stupid questions and would come up with something new.
Originally posted by Manus Dei
What would you do if you wanted to get back at someone?
Are some little sisters meant to be a form of punishment?
What’s the deal with the aussies who think they’re Jedi?
1-) Discover whatever problem caused your separation and get rid of the source of the problem. Or try a love ritual.
You will need seven passion-red candles, seven cars, seven empty wine bottles and a lot of luck. The ritual has to be made in seven consecutive days.
On each day you have to drive a different car through some crossroads. You cannot repeat neither car nor crossroads througout the days. In each crossroad you must roadkill a hooker - here comes the part where you need luck, for it has to be an accident. Not like “it has to look like it was an accident”, but a sincere, honest accident. This is for gathering the spirits of seven people who work with “love”. Get each spirit in a bottle.
Now that you got the spirits in the bottles, open them and fill each bottle with a different wine. Once the bottles are full and you get them closed with that wood thing whose name I forgot, you are ready for the last and most critical part. You’ve got to make the person whom you’re head over heels for to drink all the wine in all the seven bottles in less than two hours. If you succeed, you are pretty much into a love night with her.
2-) No, you just unlucked out.
3-) Some people are just nuts.
Originally posted by Evangelion
Do you like Eurodance?
What gender is my other friend “Ren”?
Can I get into your news headlines?
Can I tell them all what you told me?
1-) Yes
2-) Renata is supposedly a femmie. But you can never be sure of people’s gender if you only know them online. Unless they have a webcam and… er, next question
3-) Sure, just do something Media worthy and you’ll be there :ah-ha!:
4-) Sure =)
Originally posted by Alyx
[b]WHy is the sky blue?
What is the most important thing to happen to you?
WHat is your best feature? [/b]
1-) A catholic priest once told me this is because God is straight, for if He were gay the sky would be magenta and purple with violet and purpurine dots. Obviously said priest was a homophobe. The sky is blue because among all the colors it is the one that scatters the most on the high atmosphere before coming down to our eyes.
2-) I don’t know, I never thought about it.
3-) That’s for other people to figure out. What do you people think?
Originally posted by ahkeeyuu
[b]Yeah but I was there first 
Ren: Can I have your shoes?
No really, can I have your shoes?
Do you like pie? What’s your favorite kind?
Boxers or briefs? [/b]
You will have to chop off my feet first.
Yes. I can’t tell, for it involves some herbs I doubt among you all only Ryuuhi would know.
Briefs. Boxers usually have pink dots, hearts of bears on them, and I would not be mentally comfortable wearing anything with such drawings.
Originally posted by Wilfredo Martinez
[b]The one thing I really want to know right now, is:
What’s up with your Witch thing? (I guess that’s Warlock, hmm.) Are you a Harry Potter fan? Is it a bet?
(My apologies if you’ve already explained this, and I missed it.)
Also, how did you learn such good English? (I know people here in the island NEVER stop asking ME that, as if it took a genius to learn another language. I guess my fellow Boricuas are just lazy.) 8P [/b]
1-) I am studying magic for serious. I first showed it in the Pic Post Thread. The hat in my avvie is a joke from me, but the staff and the clothing are for serious. It all started in 2000, the year when I got my staff, though I’ve only been open about it recently.
2-) I know everybody will, but I have to say it: don’t laugh. Actually, go on and laugh your heads off. I started by watching a lot of Beavis and Butt-Head when I was 11-12. That gave me a start with vocabulary (not only fussing, for I learned more with characters other than B&BH). Then there was SNES. Every game is in English, so… My fluency with hearing and speaking comes from an English course and having too many friends from other countries. From US I met people from FLA (been there), Utah and Virginia (they came here).
I’m also learning a lot by simply mimicrying you guys :ah-ha!: (yes, always a learner)
Originally posted by Urkani
[b]Do you think of reality as a mentally produced perception, I.E. it is shown to you as how you as a person see’s it and can change at will according to how you feel, or as a set constant, in that even if you believe it to be something different, it’s still the same thing?
I’ve been toying with this question a lot lately and so far, I’ve agreed more towards the former choice. [/b]
There is set universe in which we live in, but everybody perceives the universe in a unique way. Also remember that all you sense is just an interpretation given by your brain, and interpretations vary with the mood of the interpretator even if the subject he studies does not change.
Originally posted by Cybercompost
[b]If encountered with a situation where you would have to sacrifice yourself, the one you loved (lets assume you have one for this question), or everyone except yourself and the one you loved, which would you do?
What in flying frack did you do with my pants?
Is there a song that you absoultely can’t STAND? If so, what is it?
Will you ever tire of these incessant questions? [/b]
1-) Myself and the one I love. I am too much of an altruist to doom humanity just to save my dear and me.
2-) I had to hide the lobsters somewhere and I couldn’t find anywhere else to put the in. Sorry >_<
3-) ‘Asereje’ or something like that, from Trio Ketchup. If you don’t know this song, consider yourself lucky.
4-) At the beggining of the thread I would have answered yes, but now I go for a no.
Originally posted by Sapphire Falcon
[b]Could you teach me a little Portugese? Is wearing a shirt that reads “Foreign Language Nut”
When was the last time you were sick?
There will be more later, it’s just that I’m not thinking too clearly right now. [/b]
1-) Yes, but you’ve got to have an iron will. Portuguese is somewhat harder than Spanish. If you’re already fluent in Spanish, though, Learning Portuguese will be a walk in the park.
2-) If you count migraine as a sickness, some 2 weeks ago. If not, then I think it was about 1 year and half ago.
3-) I have a recipe for clearer thoughts. You’ll need some imported nuts and you risk thinking clearly by the times you should be sleeping instead for some days too. what do you say? XD
Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
WHat would YOU do for a Klondiek Bar?
What the sexual intercourse* is a klondike bar?
(*I’m trying to answer things without resorting to obscene words)
Originally posted by vyse the legend
Are you going to answer all these questions?
I’ll try to do my best.
Originally posted by Mabatsekker
Which trade name do you prefer? Warlock, Wizard or Sorcerer?
Sorcerer is already taken, and Wizard is overdone. So I go for Warlock. It is not an oath breaker as some people think, but actually male for witch.
Originally posted by Evangelion
[b]More quessies.
Can I give you a Canadian hug?
Can I bum a favour off you?
Would you chew gum that was already in my mouth?
Can you teach us dirty portuguese words?
Does my butt look too big in this? [/b]
- Yes please please please ^^
- Go on
- If it’s grape or strawberry or cherry or tutti-frutti flavored and you don’t have brackets in your teeth, yes.
- ‘cadela’ is portuguese for bitch (as female dog, but all meanings apply)
- No, it is just perfect :ah-ha!: don’t change anything. Now let’s see the breast!