...And yet another n00b makes an appearance.


Now you mght not see me post often, and that’s because my acts are top secret.

Though you might see my avvie change a lot.

Who am I? No one you need to meeeeeeeet.

And just for kicks, have your own Christmas Bot

It falls on people randomly.

Originally posted by Igatona

Now you mght not see me post often, and that’s because my acts are top secret.

Though you might see my avvie change a lot.

Who am I? No one you need to meeeeeeeet.

And just for kicks, have your own Christmas Bot

It falls on people randomly. [/b]

Awww, thanks!

: Falls on her


Welcome to the forums, I too am a Star Ocean II fanatic… What are your views on Leon?

Generally, in the begining of the game (to around Fienal or so), I’ll use Leon, but in the Cave of Trials and Fienal, I find mage characters to be generally too slow and delicate.

Also, if I hear “Might is Right” from him one more time, I’ll go postal.

Welcome to the boards. This will be useful Hands Phoenix Valkyrie a large rubber mallet Don’t worry, we’re all perfectly sane (cough, cough)

Meh I’m obbsessed with Leon, he’s so cute. That’s why I asked.

Velcome to the boards. I’m Yar Kramer.

And I’m Mayl.

And I am Dalton, the greatest villain ever!

Pfft, you couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag! I’m Dynamo, the REAL greatest –

I am Onslaught! Behold my mighty hand if I go to my uberhuge-form thing!


Originally posted by Exo vers 2.0
Meh I’m obbsessed with Leon, he’s so cute. That’s why I asked.

Yes, he is. Very. :slight_smile:

You know, I’m surprised. It seems like PhoVa might actually stick around.

Originally posted by Phoenix Valkyrie
Also, if I hear “Might is Right” from him one more time, I’ll go postal.

It’s a lot better than MOMMY!

But now as I type this, I realize that I that a lot because I go to that screen to hear all their voices and that one just happens to be the one that really makes me giggle…leaves the room immediatly

And anything is better than hearing Precis’s “Bang-Bang Attack!” twenty times in a row.

Originally posted by Cala
Ya ain’t got a chance. :stuck_out_tongue:

D’oh :thud:

Heh. I’ll introduce myself propelry this time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to RPGC. Enjoy.

Good boy. At least you admit the truth. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome. I’m Dragon Tear, evil dragon goddess of the northern mountains. I love to detroy villages and brutally slay the village people. But I’ve been very lazy recently, so my new hobby is baking cherry pies. Want one? ^^ offers you a cherry pie

Thank you for the pie. :slight_smile:

nods Want to team up and destroy a village sometime?

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> <a href=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/smoothcriminal.wav”>Smooth</a> Cro, really <a href=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/smoothcriminal.wav”>smooth</a> :stuck_out_tongue:

Mellow Yellow asks: What would you do to stay smooth?

A: drooooool X

B: Ma hummana hummana hubba flubba wabba zabba X

C: “Hi, I’m Crotanks, the local scion of sorcery.” DING DING!

Mellow Yellow:
Smooth, real smooth.

Yeah that’s exactly what i was thinking of…

Drools :D~~~~~~~
A big red X falls on Booken
Ow?!? ;_;