And yet again...

Eh, I posted not to really argue but to defend one of my friends from being accused of being a malicious asshole basically.

Make “harmful” (I call it harmless teasing. Guys do it all the time) towards me, and I will make a “harmful” comment towards you. Pure joke. And considering she was in a joking mood, I didn’t know PMS would take hold like that. I really figured Cala was in a lovey dovey back and forth name-calling mood (especially considering her starting it), but I guess she wasn’t. As for posting, I merely wished to present my side of it.

Hey dude, I’m not talking about give or take here, or doing what the other person is doing. I’m just saying, that’s some general advice, to take regardless of the perceived situation. Just to be aware always that anything you say might have ramifications elsewhere. And that’s what these online arguments ARE, people just presenting their fucking points over, and over, and over, and OVER. That’s why they’re so lame, and why you should be aware of your actions so that you don’t have to deal with lameness like this in the future as a result of them.

-Mazrim Taim

Er, I think he meant the harmful comments as just teasing Maz. o_o

I hold grudges against people here, but I don’t leave because of what some people do. Most people like you, Cala, and if a few are being jerks, ignore them.

I’m not talking about what he meant them as. Whether or not he was “right” or “wrong” isn’t important to me. I’m just SAYING, that these arguments are DUMB, in my opinion (and maybe in his?). And that if he wants to avoid them, then he might want to think about how his “harmless teasing” or “harmful comments” or whatever qualification you want to give them, might lead to situations which start them.

I’m not interested in what he thought. The point is, SOMETHING he did incited Cala to be pissed at him, which incited this entire argument. And simply telling Cala that she had no right to be pissed doesn’t stop the stupid online argument from happening.

-Mazrim Taim

Come on guys, just leave it. You all made your points…

So Maz, are you basically saying that no one should make jokes with each other just so we can avoid potential conflicts like this?

I’m saying to change the style of your jokes perhaps, with certain people who might be more sensitive to them.

-Mazrim Taim

Considering Cala was taking other joking around just fine, I saw no hint of me saying something being bad, especially since I can’t read body language, tone of voice, etc over the internet.

Well, now you know, and everybody can be happy.

I’m not saying that what you said was bad, I’m saying that it just naturally led to the argument which is bad. Don’t get defensive, I’m not morally judging you as a person, OR your actions.

-Mazrim Taim

Guh, what is all this sensitivity about a little joking? If someone goes too far you just politely inform them of that fact and nine out of ten times they’ll stop immediately, don’t hold it in until you explode. I thought a lot of us had known each other long enough to be comfortable with a bit of good natured ribbing. The only thing that really offends me is when people try to insult me with lame ass insults. When SG told me that he prays nightly in hope that I won’t suck as much as I do now, I cracked up. But when someone tells me Ur dumb CH!, or simply takes a joke I made 20 seconds ago and switches my name into it, that’s when it becomes offensive.

Ok, so this guy is fucking this chick from behind when he decides he wants to fuck her in the ass. So, he just goes in and does it, without asking. The girl turns around and says “Hey, don’t you think that was a little presumptuous of you?” He replies: “Don’t you think presumptuous is a big word for a 9 year old?”


Right. We shouldn’t say anything that might hurt somebody. And I suppose we shouldn’t allow dodgeball in elementary school because they might lose- and tests shouldn’t be graded. Everyone should pass and get a DOCTORATE AND EVERYONE CAN BE HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

But- face it. People get hurt. If they can’t handle a comment on a message board or in a chat-room, then they have problems they need to deal with. And if someone really don’t know to stop- then… they WON’T! In fact- some people will keep on insulting you after you tell them you’re hurt by it- sometimes even more. You know- instead of crying over it- just get over it. Words are not daggers that rip the flesh off when they are as impersonal as calling someone a “whore” in a chatroom.

I rarely “blow up,” as some people would put it. The only other time (that I remember) is when Varan told you what happened when I got drunk.

Like I said, I take joking pretty well (anyone remember the * Cala blows 984 thing? I laughed at that). It’s really just that one spot that sets me off.

And Sorc: Love your story.

Yaaaaay ANGST