If, in an effort to soothe your frustrations, you punch a wall, it is not the act of punching, persay, that reduces your anger, but the pain immediately following the execution of such an act.
So would this mean that hitting a punching bag is a bad way to manage your frustrations?
If you’re causing physical pain to yourself, you aren’t dealing with your anger at all, you’re merely transmutating your anger into a physical and just as unhealthy form, and it won’t necessarily keep your anger down once the initial sensation of pain is gone. What the actual anger management plan is any form of exertion that gets your blood going and exhausts. Expressing your anger as a form of physical exertion is a far healthier way of expressing yourself and it will have more long-lasting effects…though of course none of this would actually get to the root of your anger problem.
I dunno about other people, but pain doesn’t really reduce my anger level. Hitting things in a non-self-injurious way is probably a better option, as is listening to angry music. I recently discovered that engaging in a good flame war is pretty therapeutic too.
That would just shift the focus from whatever you were initially angry at onto yourself, for being dumb enough to punch a wall and cause yourself physical pain. The anger level itself is not affected at all.
I’ve punched a whole in my wall, and threw a chair into a wall and put a little whole in it… It takes a lot anymore to get me mad but once I do I’m pissed enough to rip someone’s head off. :mwahaha: :mwahaha:
Yeah. That’s not being angry, that’s being psychotic if you go so far as to breaking your hand on a punching bag. Or maybe the guy just hit it the wrong way.
In any case, I would have preferred to have gone jogging (it helps in a different way…it tires me out so that I fall asleep), but it was WAY too cold out. In any case, the wall had it coming. Always sitting there, watching waiting…I’m on to it!
I did see something on the news years and years back, so I don’t even know if it’s relevant anymore, and I don’t know where to search for it. It was a report about then-recent findings about how physical exertion was NOT a good way of getting rid of anger, and how it may have just made people angrier. I don’t remember too much about the report, but that’s the gist of it.
I’m rather primitive in my anger. The more destruction I cause, the more my anger weakens, that’s why punching (or otherwise destroying) things help me to calm down. I’m not exactly sure why, but that’s how I am.
If I’m really angry. And we’re talking REALLY FRIGGING ANGRY HERE.
…I don’t know. I’ve never been ‘really’ angry. Bad karma. And suppose I did go angry over something, I’d just feel bad afterwards. After my earlier smaller tempers, I just find it enough to go outside and have a walk.
Of course, anger and hatred isn’t the one that causes more problems on a personal scale… the problems lie in the directin of affection and love, IMO.